Chapter 24

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Jake's POV:

It has been 2 weeks already. The most dreadful, tedious, longest weeks of my life, no joke. Emily has been avoiding me ever since that Friday night at the party. I don't blame her, she did saw how Michaela kissed me and probable thought that I kissed her back. She blocked me from all of her social media and even from her phone. The following Monday after the party, I tried to talk to her at school, before homeroom, but she never showed up.  Then again during lunch, I was hoping her friends would sit at what had become our usual table but when I got there I saw that none of them were even in the cafeteria. After school I tried talking to her as well when I finally spotted her in the hallway heading towards the parking lot, I called out her name, but she flat out ignored me. I guess I deserved it, in her mind, I was the guy that had cheated or her, but if she only gave me the fucking chance to explain. She would have seen that I hadn't done anything wrong, it was all Michaela.

I've been miserable for this past two weeks, I continued trying to talk to her the first few days, but she just kept ignoring me, it was as if I didn't even exist. I finally took the hint and decided to stop going after her, she wouldn't talk to me no matter what I did. So I started coming up with a new plan. I needed to talk to Liv, Emily would definitely hear her out. I needed to find her somewhere, alone so that I could speak to her and explain everything. Well, my side of the story because from the looks she gave me when she saw me every time we crossed paths in the halls, Emily had already told her her side of the story. It was about fucking time that she heard mine.

I knew that her teacher always let her out of her final class about 15 minutes earlier. Not because I'm a stalker or anything but back when I missed classes a lot just to hang out with my friends I always saw her get back to her car before everyone else got out. And one time one of my friends went over to talk to her and she told him that Mr. Evans always let them out early. So today, I'd leave early from my class and approach her in her car since today is Tuesday and it's the day that she gives Emily a ride to school. She can't leave without Emily so she has to listen to me.

I have already planned everything I'm going to tell her. I just hope that she'll listen to me, that she'll believe me and hopefully talk some sense into Emily. As soon as I entered my last class, which was Chemistry, I went to talk to Mrs. Anderson and asked her if I could leave her class a little early today. Mrs. Anderson was a new teacher, this was her first year teaching, she had just graduated college. So she was obviously young, no more than 24 years old and I'd always suspected that she had a tiny crush on me. She told me that if was perfectly fine while she batted her eyelashes at me and gave me a big smile. Great, now all I needed was for Liv to show up.

At exactly 2:15 I left the class and headed towards the empty hall, it looked so different without everyone moving around from class to class, it was almost peaceful. But enough with the distractions, I quickly made my way down the stairs and headed towards the parking lot. I saw Liv sitting in the hood of her Audi, she was busy with her phone, doing god knows what so she didn't see me approach her.

"Hey Liv." I spoke and she did a tiny little jump, startled, before turning her head up to look at me.

"God, Jake, you scared the shit out of me." She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention."

"Well...what do you want?" She asked annoyed. Clearly whatever story Emily had told her made her hate my guts.

"I just need to talk to you, about Emily. It was all a misunderstanding, but she doesn't want to talk to me, she won't let me explain. Please." I pleaded, I was desperate, I needed someone to hear my version of the story.

"Fine, elaborate." She told me in the same annoyed tone as before.

"You know that I don't drink a lot." I started, and I guess she didn't know because she honestly looked surprised. "So my friends pressured me into joining them in a drinking game that night and so I did. I got so hammered that I couldn't even stand up straight. Liam took me to the kitchen and set me up with some Gatorade so that I'd sober up. Then all of the sudden Michaela walks in and tells me that she's going to take care of me."

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