Chapter 9

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"Ahh, it's Saturday, wake up, wake up." I heard someone screaming in my fucking ear as I tried to get my beauty rest. I opened my eyes to find Liv jumping all around her room screaming those same 7 words again and again. I immediately threw her a pillow, to get her to shut up.

"OMG, shut up please." I muttered, trying to go back to sleep, but she just wouldn't stop, gosh, this was going to be one hell of a long day. I turned around to find my phone, which was in the bedside table to check what time it was. 9:34, are you fucking kidding me? I never get up this early on a Saturday, it's my rest day. Massie and Aubrey were woken up as well by Liv's lovely chants.

"Please stop Liv." Massie growled. 

"It's super early, please let us sleep." Aubrey pitched in.

"No time to sleep ladies, we have to get everything ready for tonight. So get up, get up, get up."

"Please, just shut up for 5 more minutes." I pleaded.

"Fine, but I'll time it, at exactly 9:39 you're all getting up." She responded, finally stopping with her chants. Thank god, I was going to get a headache if she continued that way.

And exactly 5 minutes after, she hollered "Get up, it's already 9:39, we have a lot of things to do."

Grunting and complaining the three of us got up as Liv continued babbling about tonight, we were barely awake. I was idle, just staring at Liv's desk, not even paying attention to whatever she was saying about tonight, it was still too early for me.

About 30 minutes after she woke us up, we were super hungry so we went downstairs to raid her pantry. I got myself a bowl of cereal, no milk of course. I despise milk, I don't even know why, even since I was little I've hated milk, my mom says I stopped drinking it since I was about 5 months old and never again have I tried it without wanting to puke, so yeah, weird and random fact about me. We continued our talk about tonight. Luke was going to come to Liv's house to pick her up, I told them Jake was going to give me a ride as well, so Aubrey and Massie decided they would get there together. We were going to meet there at 8:30 so we'd have time to buy food and drinks before the game started and that way we wouldn't miss a thing.

"What if Luke and I appear on the kiss cam?" Liv asked out of nowhere.

"Oh come on, there's like 0.0001% chance of that happening, there are like 15,000 other people there." Massie, being the smart ass she is, responded.

"I know, I know, but maybe we'll appear on the kiss cam and then we're going to kiss and everyone is going to see and we're going to become a famous couple a get our own tv show and win awards and appear on movies." Liv continued babbling, living in her own little fantasy world.

"That would be so awesome." I answered, getting puzzled looks from both Aubrey and Massie, but I knew better than to disagree with Liv, it was best if you just played along with whatever story she'd imagined.

"I know, then I would invite you all to my celeb parties and we will all be famous and rich...." She went on and on, I honestly zoned out after about 30 seconds, still tired from being abruptly waken up by her.

We had lunch and talked for a bit more until I saw the time and  decided I'd better get home to start getting ready. Jake was coming to get me at 7, which was 3 hours from now. OMG, I had very little time to get ready! I started to panic as my Uber took me home. I arrived at 4:15, which left me with only 2 hours and 45 minutes to get ready. I quickly ran up to my room, as usual, my parents weren't home, dad was probably at the office, getting some work done over the weekend and I supposed mom was with Max in one of his soccer games. I started the shower and quickly pulled out the outfit I'd bought yesterday. I took a quick shower, and by quick I mean it only took me forty five minutes instead of the usual hour. I just loved long showers because no one would bother me and I could be alone with my thoughts, but tonight, there just wasn't enough time for one. 

Maybe SomedayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ