Family Remains

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I had gone back into the room where all of Spencer's witchcraft stuff had been. It looked like she had packed it all up. I sat down on the couch in shock. I knew something had been wrong with me but I didn't know it was this bad. A demon... Of all things! I looked up at Spencer with an expression that I had never shown her before. Fear. I was scared.

"Spencer..." I whispered. "I've become my worst nightmare."

She sat down next to me and put her arm around my shoulders. Usually, I was the one comforting her. I leaned my head on her shoulder. "Its gonna be fine. We'll get through this, like we always do." She said.

"But what if I'm evil?" I knew what I had become was evil in general. For some reason, though, I didn't feel evil. I actually felt like myself, only slightly different.

She rubbed my shoulder. "Just given the fact that you asked that proves that you're not." She replied. She stood up, pulling me up on my feet. "And it looks like this is scaring the crap out of you. Any normal demon wouldn't do those things."

She lifted my face to hers, looking me straight in the eye. "You're no ordinary demon, Lexi."

I looked at her, confused. "How can that be? All demons are the same."

"Apparently, not all." She started pacing around the room, tapping her chin. She was thinking. "Generally, demons are created from Hell bound souls. Those souls are tortured until they start doing the torturing. Eventually, they start to like it and their humanity slowly fades away."

My eyes lit up with understanding. "You think I still have my humanity."

She stopped pacing and turned to face me. "It makes sense though! Doesn't it?" She sounded excited that she had solved the puzzle so quickly. "You weren't in Hell as long as most souls. You were down there long enough to become a demon but not long enough to completely lose your humanity!"

My eyes dropped to the ground. I felt embarrassed and ashamed that I had even become a demon. Spencer noticed this and tried to comfort me. Again. "Hey, I know you feel bad about it, but I understand. It happens to all souls, even the strongest ones. I'm just glad I got you out when I did."

Her words didn't completely cheer me up but they provided me with comfort. My sister was the only thing I had left in this world, and if she could accept me as a demon then that was good enough.

"So, what do we do now?" Spencer asked.

I shot her my most charming, devilish smile. "We hunt, of course."

She chuckled. "Well, this should be interesting. A demon and a witch, saving people, hunting things-"

"The family business." I cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "I mean, we are still hunters, right? So let's get out there and hunt some evil sons of bitches."

"Alright. But, um, you might wanna stay away from the salt and holy water." She winked and went to gather the rest of her things. I smiled and headed back to the bathroom to grab my duffel. It was good to be alive, well sort of, and kicking. I was ready to hunt and being a demon might just give me the edge I need.

"Oh Lexi!" Spencer called. "Give me a second! I need to do something and its gonna be a surprise." I smiled, shaking my head. I wasn't the only one that hadn't changed that much. I sat on the toilet lid, waiting patiently which I found very hard to do. I was never very patient to begin with.

After about a minute later I heard Spencer again. "Ok, finished! Come on!" I got up and walked back into the room that I left Spencer in. She was repacking some things. I noticed a long chain hanging from her arm.

"So, what's the surprise?" She turned around and held out the chain. It was a necklace. Correction: It was my necklace. The arrow necklace I had always worn. I thought I had been buried in it. I took it from her. "The surprise is my necklace?"

She sighed, taking the necklace back and turning it over. "No. I did a binding ritual on it." On the back of the necklace was a tiny mark, like an engraving. It looked like a circle with a line through it.

"What does it do?" I asked, instantly curious.

"Its like a lock. A demon lock. Whenever you wear this necklace, you won't be able to smoke out of your body and no one can force you out by exorcising you."

I took the necklace back and hooked it around my neck. "Well let's test this puppy out, shall we?" I stepped away from Spencer, looked up, opened my mouth, and willed myself to leave the body. Nada.

I looked back at my sister, who was grinning. "Spencer, you are a genius."

She shrugged. "Its what I do."

I laughed, patting her on the back. "So, let's get going, baby sis."

"Oh right! I bet you're just dying to drive your car."

"I can't believe I forgot!" I ran outside, too excited to wait for Spencer and too excited to remember that I don't need to run. I stopped at the front of the car and leaned on top of the hood, spreading my arms out to give her a hug.

"My baby! Did you miss me? I sure missed you." I heard Spencer coming up behind me, laughing.

"So much for the awesome demon teleportation trick."

"You know what? Screw demon teleportation." I said as I got up. Spencer tossed me my keys, and I slid into the front seat. I stroked the leather steering wheel as I closed the door. "All I need is my baby and the open road."

Spencer slid into the passenger seat and turned on the radio. Metallica began playing as I drove off. Thank God Spencer didn't douche up my car.

"So, where are we headed?" Spencer asked.

"Nowhere at the moment." I replied, looking out on the road under the glistening night sky. "I just need to drive for a while." 

"Oh, and Lexi?" Spencer asked.


"Happy birthday."

I smiled. I didn't expect to hear that on a day like this. I had almost forgotten, even though I just found out. What a birthday...

âœÂªÃ¢ÂœÂªEnjoy all the different quotes and references I used in this chapter! This is the capter with the most of those.

Thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments so far! I really appreciate everything!! Be ready for the next few chapters! ;)✪✪

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