The Devil Inside

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Spencer and I followed the guys outside where we all exchanged phone numbers. Those would come in handy, especially in a group of four where we will most likely be splitting up... Hopefully.

We decide to stick around for a bit since all the demons tagged up in one joint. We figured they might still be hanging around, possibly waiting for the right moment to jump right back in their old bodies. There's also no doubt that there were more than what we saw in the diner.

I found my car, which was parked a little ways down the road on the side of the road. There was a 1967 Chevy Impala parked in front of it, and I could only assume who owned that car. Sam and Dean followed up behind us, walking towards it. Yup. At least they had good taste in cars.

"Beautiful car." I complimented. I was gonna be hunting with these guys, might as well lighten the tension a little. Plus, what hunter doesn't like to get compliments about their car. They're all precious to at least a few of us.

Dean smiled, patting the hood of the car. "Isn't she?" He looked up at the car parked behind his. He pointed to the car, then me, raising his eyebrows to signify he was asking a nonverbal question. I nodded. "Well, then right back at ya. You got a nice taste in cars."

I chuckled, walking past him to my car. "It was actually my dad's. He, uh, gave it to me a month before he died." Dean made that face that said 'Oh... I didn't know.' Sam gave me a sympathetic look. It wasn't just pity though, it was understanding.

"Wait, did you guys...?" I started.

"Yeah, a few years back actually. Our mom too." Dean answered before I could finish the question. Huh. Looks like we had a lot more in common than I thought.

"We lost our mom too." Spencer told them.

"Well, join the club I guess." I said with a laugh.

"Hey, all hunters know the risks at stake when they enter this life." Dean said, opening to the door of the Impala. We all nodded. That was so true. Everyone lost someone, or they died themselves. Either way, it wasn't a pretty life, but its the only one hunters know. Some try to leave the life, but it always ends horribly.

"So, let's find these sons of bitches." I said, sliding into the front seat and closing the door. I saw Dean smirk out of the corner of my eye when I opened the door. I guess you could say we were all in position now. All we had to do was wait for these demons to show their ugly ass faces.

Woah. I wonder what my demon face looked like? Aw man, I probably looked hideous. Oh well. I shook it off and searched around the street. There was an alleyway to my right, and I saw two men walking out of it. I pointed to them. "Hey, hey, hey. Demons."

"What?" Spencer turned to look at them. "How can you tell?"

I never took my eyes off of them. "I'm a demon. You can kinda see your kind." I responded, a little sarcastically.

"Then why couldn't you tell that we were surrounded by demons in the diner? That would've been nice to know."

I finally looked away from the demons but was still watching them out of the corner of my eye. "I just became a demon like yesterday. I'm still learning some things." She nodded. I pulled out my phone and found Dean's contact, dialing his number. He picked up on the second ring.


"Couple of demons. 3:00." I could see the silhouette of Dean leaning over to see what I was talking about.

"How can you tell?" I sighed but not too loud. I didn't want him suspicious.

"I've dealt with my fair share to know a demon when I see one." I explained. The line went silent. He hadn't hung up, he just wasn't talking. Nothing was going on in the car in front of us. Apparently, Dean didn't believe what I just told him. This time I sighed loudly. "I saw their eyes." I lied.

The Devil You Know (A Supernatural fanfiction) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now