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At around seven my alarm started blasting off, Taylor Swift's, look what you made me do, as the alarm ring tone, I am not even that crazy about Taylor but this song kinda speaks to me, sums up things i want to say, things i feel.

I don't even know why i have an alarm clock anyway since i hardly sleep, i guess it's because it makes me feel normal, haha, who am I kidding, I feel far from normal... On the bright side, i know I start my classes today so I'm excited about that.

I quickly get out of bed and get into the shower to get ready for class. I'm not the type that spends hours in the shower, I mean it's a waste of water and my time. So after finishing my business in the bathroom I go to my closet and select my outfit for the day, i choose my washed-out blue boyfriend jeans, a pastel green, and white hoodie and my white sneakers from legit with a lip emoji on the front, that dad got me from one of his trips, then I wore my hair in a ponytail like I always do.

I'm quite satisfied with my look and I pack my MacBook in my satchel and notebooks, and stationery. Then I realized that I don't have food, i guess breakfast will have to wait. When everything is done I head out to the main campus for class, my phobia of being late IS real, so I always go to class half an hour early.

When I arrive in the lecture room it's still empty and peaceful, the silence is welcoming, just the way I like it. I close my eyes to pray, something I've found myself doing a lot since I started school, we've always been religious at home and not being able to attend church I pray every morning, and evening and read my Bible. (a/n: I'm Christian so if any of you guys arents religious or Christian, just know that I'm not trying to convert anyone, I'm not ashamed of my faith, hence I can talk about this.okay sorry for the interruption carry on).

When I finish praying I open my eyes and I see that a few students have joined the class. "didn't you sleep well last night ".a deep voice asks startling me a little bit, I hadn't expected anyone to be seated next to me so early, people sat next to me when they arrived late and other seats are occupied.

I look at the owner of the voice and frown a bit, he's not in all my modules just two if not three and I haven't spoken to a lot of people. His eyes are a deep blue like the ocean and his dirty blonde hair gives the 'i just woke up vibe', guys always wear, i guess it looks good... I don't understand boys so whatever..He is really handsome, he looks like he just walked out of a Calvin Klein underwear advertisement, his sharp and chiseled jaw inviting...

I realize that I'm staring and decide to respond. "yeah, I couldn't fall asleep, but I'm not that tired anyway "I say even though my body is disagreeing with me.

 He looks at me like he is trying to figure something out, or memorizing my face, then clears his throat before looking away and saying, "do you need like, sleeping pills, I mean when I can't fall asleep, I always drink those and they help "

I almost laugh, if only he knew that it's not that I can't sleep its because I don't want to fall asleep. Just as I'm about to respond, I'm interrupted by my phone ringing, i know it's my mom because of her personal ringtone, so I decide to ignore the guy and pick the call up.

"Hello?... "I say as soon as I pick the call and I hear the sound of dishes in the background and I check the time, realizing that it's ten minutes past 8.

"Jane, OHH God baby I miss you, so much, are you up? Are you in class" did you eat? How are you..?"I roll my eyes at her weirdness knowing that she can't see me.. 

"calm down geez, you're giving me a headache but to answer your questions, i miss you too, yes I'm up, yes I am in class, no I didn't eat cause I realized I didn't buy food before you lecture me, I'm going shopping after class, and I'm surviving.. How are you? "I ask her after responding to her questions...

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