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The most amazing thing about doing what you love is the feeling that comes with it. You feel happy, at peace and you can see yourself grow. It doesn't matter if it takes most of your hours or if there some people who just love to find ways to annoy you and make you want to punch  a wall.

All that matters is the feelings and the accomplishments  and the recognition and appreciation you get from your bosses. This is how I feel whenever I'm doing my job, and I love it. I love feeling important  and a part if something great.

Milestone group makes that possible, they gave me so much freedom to do things my way and they allow me to explore. Which is why, when I brought up the idea of building  an institution for economics students, Mr milestone himself was all for it. He told me to get the ball rolling, get the paperwork sorted and not to worry about the costs.

He even agreed to a sixty,fourty partnership, where I will own sixty percent of the institution and he would won fourty percent.I was so excited because this was one of my dreams being recognized, so i didn't mind working double the time, doing my normal job and organising everything for the institution.

My family were very supportive but by parents were concerned about my health, I hardly slept and sometimes I forgot to eat. I was always running around trying to get everything sorted that I  spent 95% of my life in the office. This cause my mom to hire someone to clean my apartment  and do my laundry three days a week. I was grateful because aunt maria was amazing and she was a great cook.

Due to my lack of sleep, I started getting headaches again. I just drank pills to make the headaches go away but pills without food weren't very effective.

"Jane, you need to take a break, you've been at it for hours, you even missed your lunch break. Everything is going smoothly, you have a very hardworking team and the construction is running smoothly, you need to stop and breath before you collapse from exhaustion"my assistant  Samantha  said as I was going through the building plans for the institution.

"I just have a few things that I need to finalize, then I'll take a break, I promise "I told Sam not even looking at her.
"if you don't stop, I'm calling your mother and Mr Milestone and I'm telling them to pull you out of this project for a while "Sam said and I placed my papers down quickly.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"you can't do that. They can't do that, this is my baby, I need to nurse it"i told her.

"I know it's your baby but you have so many baby sitters doing their jobs, let them, that's why you hired them. This is not healthy "she said and I sighed  I couldn't win either way.

"fine. I'll go home"i told her.

"actually  you have a doctors  appointment tomorrow at nine in the morning and I already applied sick leave for you and it was approved so you get the rest of the week off. "she told me and I frowned.

"why am i going to see the devil again"i didn't feel sick. So why did i need to go there.

"it's not the devil  Jane, it's a doctor and you've been complaining about headaches for two weeks now, so I made an appointment  for you to go get it checked out. "she told me

"you and my mother also took ky car keys, what else will you two take"i said sulkily

"it's for Your Own safety Jane. You're always tired, you look like you're going to collapse at any minute. It had to be done "she told me.

I sighed because I could ever win. I packed up for the day and went home.


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