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A lot of people may think, I exaggerate things when I say it's hard to say no, especially where my family is involved. This is because you're not only against one family member, you're against everyone, well everyone except my dad because he really doesn't want me dating until I'm dead..

So he Was The only one who took my side when I said I didn't want to go on a blind. I had already missed the first blind date jayden and Kyle had set up for me and they decided to bring mom and Jamie into their plans.

And this time no matter how many time I tried saying no, it was helpless, dad and I couldn't win. I wouldn't find any loophole.Which resulted in me agreeing to go on the stupid date but not without striking a deal of course. I told them that if I do go on this date and it is terrible, they must never set me up on a blind date ever again to which they agreed.

When i got home from work, I found jayden and Kyle already inside, since it was their idea, it was their responsibility to pick an outfit and fix my hair for the date. Otherwise I would have just worn a pair of jeans and a tee.

"hurry up Jane, you only have an hour amd thirty minutes left till your date. So if you're planning on kissing this date because you decided to be a slow poke forget that planb cause I will come in that bathroom and dress you quickly  myself. "Kyle Was The one who threatened making me groan. Jayden i could handle but ky was way worse that Jayden.

"I'm almost done, calm your tits. "I said putting on the heels. I was wearing a gray above the knee dress, that hugged my body perfectly, it wasn't something I would wear but mom bought it for me specifically for this stupid date. It better be worth it.

When I was done I walked into my bedroom where I found ky and Jay kissing on my bed.

No wonder nobody answered

If you two horndogs would get off MY bed go be gross outside that would be great. I have to sleep on that bed. I would prefer it be free germs. "I said and they broke it up.

"whatever...oh my.. Jane, you look amazing. That dress will bring someone to his knees tonight.. "jayden said and I groaned.

"if you  keep saying things like that, I'm going to ditch. But thank you. I don't like how it clings to my body like second skin "I told them and they rolled their eyes.

"unfortunately for you, nobody cares for your likes and dislikes today."ky said and I sighed in defeat, there was no way out of this.

"okay, tell me the game plan again... Whatsvmy strategy.. "I asked and they both groaned.

"this is not a business thing Jane, you're not trying to bag a client, you're trying to bag a boyfriend. Just go there and be yourself but please for all that is holy, do not eat too much, be a lady. Nobody likes a pig"jayden said and I frowned. Offended by his pig comment.

"I'm not a pig, I just love food so I'll eat food. But that's not what i wanted to know. I want to know about this Josh guy"i said, putting on my silver studs another gift from my mother.

"his name is Josh, he's 29 years old, he's a financial advisor, drives a Mercedes owns a house and has no children "ky said and I frowned. That information was absolutely useless.

"why exactly, would I need to know the kind of car he drives or if he owns a house or has kids.why don't you give me his annual salary and credit score while you're at it "I said grabbing my little side bag and putting in my cellphone and wallet.

"you need to know if he will be awake to take care of you. Te her Jay "ky said and I rolled my eyes.

"he's right Jane. I know I said this isntva business deal but now I've changed my mind, think of it as an interview, you're interviewing him for the role of your future husband not boyfriend. Ask relevant questions, you're good with that so do that. "jayden said and I sighed. Why can't i just stay home and wait on God.

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