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Being home for a week had been proving to be refreshing,I missed being pampered and fussed over by my parents,nobody knew how much I appreciated them,even when i would wake up to yet another panic attack, drenched in sweat,they never questioned me,we had an understanding that way.

Jayden had bonded so well with everyone,that it felt like everyone had him forever and boy did he play the role of an annoying spoilt brat kiss arse brother.He forgets we're only here for two weeks.overall I was having a great time..I had been ignoring Shawn's texts and missing his calls since we got here, honestly I didn't have the energy to deal with him,I did not even  read his texts..

So when my phone started blowing up with his specialised ringtone,I groaned,we were all seated in the TV room watching iron man voted by majority,majority being us kids,dad loves Thor and Mom just favours the hulk.shes such a nerd,I mean has she seen how great Tony's brain is,she obviously chose the wrong nerd.

"Are you going to answer your phone or are you going to keep glaring at it hoping it melts?"I heard Mom ask and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I'm going to ignore it,I should probably put it on silent,or better yet,switch off my phone"I muttered

"Whose calling you, anyway, they've been trying to reach you for some time now,it could be important"dad said

"It's probably her boyfriend, trying to reach her and she's playing hard to get,I think he loves her" Jayden piped in and I glared at him.

"Ohhh, tashie has a boyfriend, tashie has a boyfriend" Jamie said in sing song I glared and sighed...this was not worth it

"What do you mean Jane has a boyfriend?,she's too young to have a boyfriend" dad said and I sighed ,stupid Jayden and his inability to close his pie hole and Jamie for being an idiot.

"Shawn is not my boyfriend dad,I don't even like him,don't listen to Jayden he's an idiot"I mumbled glaring at my phone that had began to ring again.

"Good, otherwise,I would be forced to use my shotgun"dad said and I rolled my eyes."you don't have a shotgun dad,you don't have a gun period"I told him

"I can always buy one"

"Whatever dad"my phone stopped ringing and I sighed.

"You shouldn't shut people out baby,you might be chasing away your soul mate"Mom said and I narrowed my eyes into slits at her...what the hell...

"Don't encourage her to date Rose,she's still a child,she can't date,you're all not allowed to date until you're 30, actually no,she alone. You turn 30 we can talk"dad said firmly not happy about mom's 'advice'

"Come on honey,look at her,she needs this, dating is a way of life,a right of passage everyone should go through before they get married,Jane has never been interested in the opposite gender romantically,she needs to start experiencing this,before it's too late"Mom said and I groaned,how are they discussing my love life or lack thereof right in front of me.

"Why are you telling me alone,tell Jayden this,he's the one who loves love not me,I want to be alone until I die, I'll even adopt a cat to keep me company"I said

This isn't about me Jane,leave me alone and answer your stupid phone it's annoying me now"Jayden said and I saw Jamie nod his head  in Agreement...stupid little brother...

"I support your decision 100% baby girl,I will even drive you to the pet store today to get you that cat"dad said approvingly, clearly happy about my phone rang again and I looked at the caller ID and sighed.

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