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I groaned as I checked my phone for the millionth time.nothing,no phone call,no texts ,nothing, she stopped trying altogether.

You should've stopped being dramatic,its been 6days now, did you think she was going to wait around for you,you for one should know that Jane isn't the begging type.. You went to far man.

I was going to pick the call up,eventually,i just wanted her to try a little harder, I wanted her to let go of her stubbornness and just apologies. I didn't think she'd stop trying after one day.

Well look where your genius plan has left you, you're both stubborn and she's not going to come on her own. You know you're the one who decided to be a Prima Donna and did your whole walk out scene. Fix this Shawn.

Dont you think I know that..

I sighed, and took my wallet, I might as well go and hang out with the guys at Macdonalds.

When I got there, I found them already seated with their food in front of them, I decided to order then go order before making my way over to them. When I got my food and went to sit, they were looking at me weirdly.

"you look terrible man"justin said, voicing what they were all thinking and I just stared blankly at him.. I miss grey, God why does she have to be so stubborn.

"thanks man, your observation skills are out of this world"i deadpanned, way to state the obvious

"I take it, things with Jane haven't been resolved then"kaitlyn asked and I sighed putting my face in my hands.

"she hasn't even tried reaching out, she called the day we argued and that was that, I just don't know what to do anymore "I said defeatedly

Why did I even think hanging out with the guys that day was a good idea I should have went to here dorm and demanded we talked things through.

"you're daft man, you know the person you're dating and yet you let things escalate, did you ever stop to think that maybe just maybe her  refusing to hang out meant she just wanted some time to herself ?"Ryan said and I raised my head, I mean if did cross my mind but I wasn't getting  the leave me alone vibes though.

Arg,why is this so difficult,....

It's not, just get up and go talk to her before things become worse.

"why are relationships so difficult "I groaned taking a bite of my burger.

Jane loves this burger too, infact she loves macdonalds and you promised to always share your MacDonalds with her, yet here you are, this is basically cheating, food cheating..

Will you just shut up for once if you nothing nice and productive to say

Well I'm you so you tell me can I?

"they are not, you two are being stupid, people fight for more serious things, out of all the things you guys could have chosen to be content to your first fight you decide to go with stupidity..."Nate said andi looked at him with a raised brow.

"Nate if I were you I'd shut the help up, need i remind you that your first fight with Wendy was over a pen, so your opinion is invalid here "just said and we all laughed, well atleast I think I laughed,

"whatever, you guys suck"nate mumbled.

"only Wendy does. Okay Matt, I say go talk to her, iron everything out,im tired of seeing you sulk"Thabo said, I swear this guy never talks while eating, me loves to have his peace and quiet.

Or maybe he was just taught manners not to talk while eating.

I said shut up.

You're not the boss of me.

I almost laughed when I heard the entrance door open and Nax walked in talking on the phone, When he looked up we locked eyes and I offered him a tired smile, he just stared and then looked away continuing his conversation on the phone. OKAY THEN...

I continued eating my food, sulky than ever.

"yo Matt, isn't that cafeteria guy talking to your girlfriend? "Justin said and I looked up.

"come on Janie baby, I told you it would take atleast 10minutes before it's done and I arrive"i heard Nax say and my anger rose at his nickname, shes my Jane baby. I know eavesdropping is bad but I couldn't help it.. Since when do they hang out on weekends...

"stop going through my stuff sweetheart, you will find whatever it is you're looking for and when you do, don't ask me about it"he said again, and I wished I could here what she was saying because that smile on his face needed to be wiped off, how are he smile and my baby, she's mine, mine to hold, mine to kiss, mine to buy Macdonalds for, she's all mine.

' not some piece of ornament or furniture that you can claim ownership over Matthew, I'm no one's, I'm my own person....'Jane's said sounding annoyed. My feminist.. She's still mine.

I miss our bickering..

"sweetheart, I love you but please, please stay away from those, you won't like the consequences "he warned sounding serious but the fond look in his eyes made me know he wasn't serious.

"is he banging your girl now, man I knew I should've striked"justin said dumbly and I gave him the deadliest glare I could muster.

"you're  Stupid Justin, that's your best friend's girl have some decency "Kaitlyn  scolded.

"I knew making you sleep over was a mistake.ill be home in a few, the food's done... Wait what, why is he there?, Jane keep your boyfriends away from my console, or you will pay"nax grumbled grabbing the food and walking out.. Darn it, I should've talked to him instead of being a creep, I don't even know where he stays.

I pang of jealousy hit me, what did he mean boyfriends...

I grabbed my phone  and dialed her number and surprisingly she answered and she was laughing with other people... Since when did she have friends.. "Nax, I told you, I'm not doing it.. "she said after her laugh cooled down. Her laughed warmed my heart, it reminded me of her warm hugs,, duck it, I'm getting my girl back..

"it's not Nax  it's me"i said lowly into the receiver and it got quiet,  too quiet that I had to  check of she had dropped the call but she hadn't ,whoever she was with asked her something but she didn't respond to him.

"whose that Jane,sounded like A guy, we fight and you run to others guys, you won't even talk about... "the phone call dropped as I was saying this and I stared at it unbelieving, she dropped the call on me.

"are you about to burst, your face ready to blow"justin said..

She fucking dropped the call ...

"that was just uncalled for Mathew, no matter what she said, you went too far man, if you hadn't lost her, she's gone now"Ryan said and I groaned. I'm such an idiot.. I grabbed my tray and threw the garbage into the bin then walked out..

Ignoring their questions, I needed to fix this, my jealousy is getting the best of me and the time apart has made me paranoid what if she found someone better, what if he treats her batter,what if...

Oh shut it with the what it's already, you ducked up, again, I suggest you go and apologize

I groaned, my annoying inner voice was right, I need too fix this.

I drove back to the one place that I know makes her happy and bought her my appology  gift..

I was finally getting my grey back....


Hey guys, can you believe it, I actually updated, writers block sucks, so here's a filler chapter,i promise to do better..

Love y'all..

Quick question  : what do you guys think of my Shawn POV, I think I suck at thinking like A guy... Let me know..

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