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P.D.A, PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION,I really don't understand it and I think it should be illegal really because you have to sit and endure the torture of watching two people suck faces in front of you, honestly an innocent peck on the lips I wouldn't mind,but a full out make out session with groping and moaning,makes me want to vomit.

My train of thought was interrupted by a loud moan from the girl,her name if felicity,she's kind of an A class Bitch and her brain cells are close to zero,I often wonder how she got here..sigh..I guess money can buy anything after all.the fact that they are seated right infront of me is not helping and where the hell is the professor...arg..bloody exhibitionists..

"Excuse you mind" I said after taping her companion whose name I didn't know and did not care to know either.he grunted obviously unhappy with the I,but continued.shes not going to have a mouth after this.i thought with a cringe,my brain was taking me to a place I did not want to be.

"Excuse me"i said again this time a bit louder and he visibly stiffened,felicity sat up straight and looked at on earth was she comfortable in that position..I thought to myself.some people.

"You're excused" she said, well more like snapped and I heard myself breath in, trying to calm myself down."what I meant to say,is can you two find a room or move seats because I don't want to watch you two eat each other's faces,have some self respect"i replied making sure that my irritation could be detected,I mean I tried being civil she provoked me.

"You're just jealous" she said with an annoying smirk,what is it with people smirking,just choose an expression,are you smiling or not.This is giving me a headache."pray tell,what am I jealous of exactly felicity ?"I said calmly, the only way to deal with this is with indifference.

"Of my relationship with  Allen,I know you want him,I've seen how you look at him"she said smugly,this dumb idiot I was tempted to laugh out really loud,what high school drama is this,were in varsity for crying out loud.i need to stop this like yesterday....sigh....

"Being jealous of your 'relationship' would be implying I have feelings which I do not,plus are you sure you two are in a relationship,cause just yesterday I saw your 'boyfriend' doing exactly what you two were doing just a few minutes ago with Abby for BCom Accounting and I bet she's so in a relationship with him if that's what  you want to call him,we could be the last two people on earth and I would never like Allen..." I said still calmly.when did my life become such a clich'e.

Luck for me the professor walked in and the conversation ended but by the look the two exhibitionists gave me,this wasn't the last of this conversation.where is Jayden when I need him,I knew I would have a headache at the end of  the day and my impending lunch plans with Shawn were going to add to it,I just knew it.

Class ended  and I went to my next one before lunch which was by far the best class of the day and it hasn't even ended yet.After class I found Shawn leaning against the wall of my class,such time management,I was secretly hoping he'd be late and I'd use it as an excuse to ditch lunch.i looked at him for a second then walked in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Hello to you too grey"he said sarcastically though he was this guy always smiling.."I'm really hungry grey, and I could use a burger and fries right about now,you won't believe the day I've had so far,I am Soo tired"he whined,when I didn't make any move to reply,if he wanted to talk so much I'd let him.

I got to the counter,where Nax was making the counter,Nax and I knew each other ,he was one of the people I actually liked around here,before Jay came along I'd dare say he was my friend..His face visibly lightened up when he saw me."hello there Tash,I was beginning to think Jayden had taken you away from me, I missed your face around  here"he said walked around to give me a hug.

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