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Our graduation day was amazing and being on the class valedictorian was unbelievable, my parents were in tears and I was happy I made them proud.

But graduation also meant the beginning of our career lives. Which also meant, shawn and I wouldn't be able to see each other everyday. Saying goodbye to him was a bit hard, he cried, such a baby, but I had to calm him down and tell him how much I loved him.

After a lot of tears and promises to call and Skype and text everyday, he finally boarded the plane. little Jamie wasn't  so little anymore. He was staring his Matric year but unlike me, he wanted to travel from home everyday, because my little brother will always be a mommas boy.

With everything changing, and everyone doing their on thing i had been working at Milestone bank as their economist for three years, three wonderful years now,they gave me everything they promised including an office of my own.

My three bedroom apartment, courtesy of the bank was situated in fourways, about 15 minutes away from my parents house without traffic and about fourty five minutes away from work because their offices are situated in Sandton. It was fully furnished  and the rent was all paid for. Honestly it was all too hard to believe but three months in, I realised that I was blessed.

God had blessed me with a well paying job, an amazing family, an amazing boyfriend  who never missed our call dates. He called first thing in the morning, we skyped at lunch and ate together, he even called at night until I fell asleep. The relationship was going way better than we both expected. We were happy.

And Jay and Kyle git married, the reason why it was so quick is because they had decided to not having a traditional white wedding but to get married in court instead. It was an intimate gathering and  Kyle's family came in numbers. I was happy for them. After they got married my parents and Kyle's parents surprised them with a four bedroom  house in Midrand. They are happy, everyone is happy.


I checked my  office clock and saw that it was almost time for lunch and Shawn would be calling anytime now, but the problem was I still had work I needed to finish before the end of the day and the only way for me to finish it today, is if I work throughout lunch.

I hated letting my work interfer with my personal life but right now I had no choice. Just I had predicted Shawn's name blinked on my laptop screen and I  clicked it to reveal a grinning Shawn. He had a big mac on his office table and I  smiled, I got him hooked

"hey baby, I missed you so much, you won't believe the day, I've been having today. Absolutely hectic. "Shawn said and I smiled. I missed him too..

"I missed you too Shawn, I have a lot of work too that I have to submit before the end of the day and I hate to do this to you but can I do it during our lunch date, I'll make it up to you.. "I said to him and he nodded in understanding with the smile still on his face.

" yeah sure, that's fine. Do what you got to do. While I your awesome boyfriend entertain you"he said and I laughed  because, he knew How To make me laugh.

"thanks a lot babe, I'll make it up to you. I love you "I told him then grabbed ky paper work and continued  with my work.

"so,i was talking to my parents and they were asking when the wedding was"he said and I internally groaned. His parents really love to stress me out.

"and I hope you told them, when we decide we will let them Know, seriously it's our wedding, we decide "I responded still focusing on my work.

"well, it's been three years now, Jane you're turning 26 years soon and I'll be  27,we aren't getting any younger. Why do you keep postponing "he asked and I sighed. We've been having this conversation for three years now, even when go  visit him, we always talk about it.

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