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"dude, what the hell man, i thought we decided against you pursuing that chick, then you bring her to hang out. What's up with that? " Nate asked me after Jane left so abruptly. I wanted to run after her, part of me knew she left in hopes to catch up with that guy she was staring at. "whose that guy who was here, earlier?"I asked my friends. The thought of him and Jane made me want to punch someone. "what guy"Kaitlynn asked confused, of course, she didn't see him, she has her back in that direction. "if you're talking about the dude your girl was checking out, then his name is JAYDEN, he is an economics major,they have classes together, I've seen him around, he's cool" Chris finally responded taking me out of my misery.

"why are you asking anyway, are you jealous or something?"Wendy, I swear this girl is an A class bitch, even though she's dating my best friend I don't trust her. "of course he's Jealous, the girl he loves was making dreamy eyes and smiling at another guy, when he's not even in the friend zone ..i know I'd be jealous "Ryan said. shutting her up... Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with these idiots. "you're in love with her, man you have it bad, here I was thinking, it was just a fling, I mean aren't you with Ariana? "Nate asked. Reminding of a name I'd rather not remember or talk about.

"since when did you start liking her, didn't you just meet her, I mean, don't give me the 'love at first sight 'pussycat buckshot, but it's not realistic and rational to fall in love with someone you hardly know " Nate asked, making me mentally groan, I couldn't hide anything from these guys, it happens when you grow up with people. "he didn't just meet her, it's ashy gray , the girl he kept going on and on about the second week of the first semester, he just grew a pair and finally spoke to her "Chris told them, I swear for a quiet guy his observation skills are out of this world. "seriously,ashy gray, is Jane, geez man, you are screwed, you finally master some courage and she rejects you not once, but numerous times, your luck sucks major balls man"Justin says which made me glare at him for rubbing salt on my fresh wounds.

"will you guys stop talking about me like I'm not here and help me out here... "I said to them, my voice sounding a little desperate than I actually wanted it to sound. "okay sorry Matt,but I've been listening to these idiots and I think you should just give up while you still can, she's not interested from what I saw. Just let her go man "Kaitlyn said she's always been the mom of this group, coming up with solutions to our problems, but this is a matter of the heart, I can't just stop my heart from beating for her...

"that's like telling me to hold my breath for an hour, I'll die, I can't let her go, Kai,, I always feel the need to be with her and talk to her, even when she's insulting me and being hella stubborn,i find myself smiling, I'd rather have her anyway i can get than nothing at all"i told them and they all stared at me, some with concern and other happiness.. " you're so whipped, man, I didn't think I'd see the day, this is like some wolf mate shit, only real.. It's happening people, our baby is growing up "Nate said and I rolled my eyes at his extra behavior."I don't think she's good enough for you, Matt, you need someone from your social circle, not some weird scholarship student" i heard Wendy say. I swear that bitch is a devil baby... Not forgetting that she's annoying as fuck...

"look guys I'm gonna go home and do something before class tomorrow, but feel free to keep your opinion to yourself next time Wendy if it's not helpful okay... I'll see y'all later" i said grabbing my stuff before leaving... I heard them argue as I left the room. my apartment wasn't that far from the pizza palace so I was home before I knew it. After cleaning I studied until my body couldn't take it anymore. So I called it a night. Living alone has been a dream, I mean I do miss my family, my parents and older sister but I love being independent, learning how to take care of myself, i talk to my parents almost every day, being the busy people they are they always find time to be parents, i don't remember ever feeling neglected or lonely, I always had someone around.

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