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Now,as much as I'm a family girl,I have no idea,how one deals with other people's parents, especially if that other person is your boyfriend and his mother is rude and very opinionated,even though her opinion is very wrong.

She just makes it easy for me to respond because I'm a straight talker and I treat people the way they treat me and she keeps insisting on being an A class Bitch....

Looking over at Shawn while listening to his mother go on and on about how he doesn't need some girl to distract him and suck him dry .i mean seriously it's the 21st century and who the fuck does she think I am and what's Shawn's deal,I've been pretty straightforward with my parents about our relationship,to avoid these kind of misunderstandings but judging by his mothers reaction to me,he never told her about me,about us.

Although she knew nothing about me, she has no right calling me names and I also knew before I agreed to date him that he came from  a very well to do family,I mean we all have the internet.

But hearing his mother call me names and accuse me of such things made me wonder if that's what he thought about me,if that's what everyone thought about me.Its no secret that my family isn't rich,that we struggle sometimes but my parents do pretty well for themselves and for Jamie and I.

"Your parents should be ashamed of themselves for raising such an ugodly gold digging and disrespectful whore "she said and that brought me out of my inner thoughts..

Did she.. Did she just take a dig at my parents.

Your parents should be ashamed of themselves for raising such an ugodly gold digging and disrespectful whore.

As her words replayed in my mind I felt whatever resolve I was holding onto slip... Nobody, I mean nobody is allowed to disrespect my parents,not even a rich rude lady who birthed my boyfriend and insists on being a total bitch.

"I don't know you ma'am, I know your son who is amazing and is my boyfriend and I'm grateful to you for raising him. But never and I mean this in the most sincerest way, ever talk crap about my parents, you don't know me or them so keep your criticism to yourself and remember who you are... I would hate for us to be on bad terms because of this. Especially since your son and I plan to be together  for a while" I told her calmly but internally I was fuming.

"you little.... Are you threatening  me"she asked and her question caught me off guard none of what I said was a threat. I guess she really is dumb.. I feel for you Shawn, how did he grow up so sweetly and kind when he had a snake bitch wanna be for a mother.

"calling me names again Mrs Rivers, I thought maybe you and I would be friends atleast but I guess that's not happening anytime soon so, please call again in an hour I bet Shawn will be awake then"i said calmly ,then dropped the call as she was about to respond...

Well that just happened...

I looked at Shawn again and saw that he was still fast asleep. How do you even fall asleep at a time like this... Arg..

I guess u should tidy up and leave,honestly his mom upset me and I know I shouldn't be upset with him but if he had told her about is, then all of this could've been avoided.

Though i doubt it, being that sour and bitchy doesn't just rock up from nowhere, she's been this way for a very long time. It's who she is. Her comments and insults also made me question  Shawn's previous romantic conquests, did they use him for his money.

Is this why he keeps insisting on buying me things ?.does he think I'd leave him if he didn't shower me with gifts..

After I finished tidying up I decided to make us food. When I was done preparing the food I decided to go shower and when I was done I found Shawn munching on the food I prepared and I smiled. He really does love his food.

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