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Being Tony's wife is the best thing ever. It's having breakfast in bed, being sent flowers at work every day, it's surprising phone calls during the day because he misses me. It's feeling like a princess every day, he spoils me so much, I wish I had married him sooner.

"baby, hurry up, we need to go, the agent, just called"I called out from downstairs.

"I can't find my Nike sneakers, the ones you bought me for the gym," he said from upstairs. I groaned, our living situation was becoming unbearable because we kept moving between two houses.

"you left them at my place, Bubba, just wear something else, please hurry up, I swear, you became a slowpoke after our wedding, "I said and I heard him laughing. I married a kid honestly.

He came down after a few minutes in flip-flops and I rolled my eyes. We got into his car and drove to the Realtor by Waterford. After long and careful thinking, we decided to get a house in the same estate as my parents because it just worked and today we were meeting the real estate manager to see a few openings.

Honestly, I was so excited, because after this we wouldn't have to juggle two households, Tony decided to put his house up for renting and the company promised to contribute to the purchase of the new house. It just worked.

"How big does this have to be baby," Tony asked and I smiled, he always did this. It's as if after marriage, his comfort stopped mattering and he did everything to please me.

"you do know that we are both going to live in this house right?.. It's not just me alone ."I said and he grabbed my hand and kissed it on the knuckles.

"I know that, but you're the woman of the house, I want a house that you will find comfortable, just give me office space and I'll be alright, "he said and I laughed.

"well, I was thinking 5 bedrooms upstairs, because we have a huge family, then an open area between the rooms where we can set up an impromptu office, then two bedrooms downstairs, two toilets, a large kitchen, with a walk-in food storage area, it should be fitted, then a private TV room, dining area, a workspace for my creative activities and an office, we can share. I want natural light too, so a lot of sliding doors. Then a pool and a huge garden. Like I said we have a huge family. What do you think "I said and he smiled.

"I love it. Ohh can we get a look table? Or table tennis, that would be cool" he said and I laughed.

"let's get everything sorted out first and then we can see what we can do, "I said and he nodded.

"I'm sorry for not taking you for our honeymoon yet, I'll promise as soon as I'm free, we're going on that road trip you wanted to go. We'll be the ultimate tourists. "he said and I laughed, being career people our honeymoon was pushed aside I didn't mind because I was already living my dream.

"I told you, that our honeymoon is anywhere we are. I'm loving living with you even though you leave your socks hanging around the house. And you love cuddling even if it's 34 degrees out"I said teasingly as we entered the Realtors office

We walked hand in hand and were met by a petite redheaded woman. She had the face that made you think she swallowed something sour. Even when she smiled.

"good morning, you just be the Stevens, nice to meet you, I'm Kate," she said shaking both Tony and I's hands.

"Nice to meet you, Kate, I'm Jane and this is my husband Tony, thank you again for doing this, I know this was such short notice, "I said politely when Tony just played with my fingers ready bored. I can't take him anywhere.

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