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Sophia tried to indulge herself in the sights that were outside on the platform, rather than look at her father's scarred face. She knew that once she had a small collision with someone of the opposite gender, her father would immediately start teasing and send her smug looks. It didn't help that the boy had smiled down at her with a look that Remus identified as an interest in the new girl. Remus eventually stopped trying to tease his daughter and stated that he was going to try and get some sleep before they reached Hogwarts. He hadn't had any sleep the previous night because of the full moon, so he pulled round his cloak and covered most of his body to take a small nap.

This left Sophia to stare out the window as the train began to leave the station, and the parents that littered the platform outside waved at their children. It didn't take long for the train to start passing the countryside of England, leaving lots to stare at and relax Sophia's nerves for her new school. Her relaxation was partially broken when the sliding door that separated the compartment and the hallway of the train slid open.

"Sorry to interrupt," a girl with bushy brown hair said with a kind face, and noticeable large two front teeth. "Everywhere else is full. Would you mind if we sat in here?"

"Not at all," Sophia smiled at her, seeing the two boys that stood behind the bushy-haired girl. She recognised one of the redheads as said 'Ickle-Ron' and Harry Potter, peaking Sophia's interest once more.

The brown-haired girl smiled back and sat down next to Sophia, while 'Ickle-Ron' and Harry Potter sat next to her father who was sound asleep by now. The two boys sneaked a look at the sleeping man, before settling uncomfortably in silence.

"I'm Hermione Granger," the girl turned to Sophia with a friendly smile. "Are you new? Haven't seen you before."

"Yeah, I've transferred from Beauxbatons. I'm Sophia Lupin," she answered as she glanced at each of the trios faces in an attempt to be friendly.

"Ron Weasley," the redhead answered, still holding a rather ill looking rat in his hands. He gave a goofy smile which settled Sophia's nerves at the new faces, before she turned to look at the messy haired boy who she already knew.

"Harry Potter," he stated with a quietness that Sophia sympathised with. She knew he was probably always known before he even would open his mouth to new people. She gave them all a closed-lip smile before nodding her head at their introductions.

"So is this your Dad?" Ron voiced as he not so subtly nodded his head towards Remus who was still asleep in the corner. Ron had fleetingly looked at the duo before they boarded the train, seeing the close relationship as a father and daughter one.

"Yeah, he's going to be teaching at Hogwarts this year. Part of the reason I was transferred here," Sophia half lied, knowing it was easier to just state that was the reason for the odd move. The three seemed content with the answer, although Hermione raised her eyebrows and turned to Sophia with a face of curiosity.

"Will he be teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts by any chance?" she asked and Sophia nodded in return. The trio nodded in acceptance, before settling into a more comfortable silence. Soon the trio started asking about Beauxbatons, and what it was like having to learn French in order to keep up in her classes. They also asked what house her father was in as she told them he went to Hogwarts when he was young, and seemed proud of the answer at being Gryffindor. They said that hopefully she'd be placed in the same house, and they'd all be together for classes and in the common room.

Sophia was content with the trio, as they were quite friendly and informative about her new school. Although, there was a bit of turning point when the breakout of Sirius Black was mentioned. Remus had previous informed her that his once trusted friend had broken out of Azkaban, and to be extra careful around Hogwarts. But she wasn't too worried, as she knew her father would be protective enough if Black ever thought of being near Sophia.

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