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Sophia's eyes widened and felt the full effect of her blush settling into her entire face. She started fiddling with her fingers and started to stutter as a result of her nervousness and surprise.

"Uh well-um I wouldn't want to-I mean... I need to wipe my make-up off," she was able to make out. "And I have nothing to change in to."

Fred rolled his eyes and grabbed his wand that was sitting on the table beside his bed, pointing it at Sophia's face. For a moment, she thought he was going to hex her. But all she felt was a cooling sensation and the make-up that once covered her face had been completely removed, leaving her skin feeling surprisingly hydrated and clean. To make sure that her face was still there she had to reach up and touch her plump cheek that was indeed still there and washed as if she had just exfoliated it.

"H-How did you do that?" she stared with wide eyes while Fred just wore his boyish smirk.

"I have my uses," was all he said. "You can wear this."

He had picked up a grey shirt from a pile of clothes that were actually folded and washed that was sitting beside his bed. He tossed it to her across the room and she caught it with ease, holding it out in front of her to see that it had a printed design of the Holly Harpers' Quidditch team. Fred saw the suspicious look Sophia slipped him from behind the shirt and he sighed dramatically.

"Ginny got it for me a few Christmas's ago, can you get a move on love? I'm exhausted from spending all night watching you go as red as my bloody Quidditch robes."

Sophia tried her best to prevent herself from blushing once again as a way of trying to deny she had been doing so all night. She went to reach round the back of her dress to unzip it when she threw a look to Fred that said 'Don't you dare look Weasley'. He rolled his eyes once again but laid his head back on his pillow and shut his eyes, insisting that he won't peak through them. Watching him the whole time, Sophia unzipped the dress and let it fall to the floor among the other clothes that littered the dorm. She pulled the long shirt over her head and down her torso, feeling it sink down to the middle of her thighs. Still seeing Fred with his eyes shut she folded up her dress and put it in the corner with her shoes, before taking small cautious steps to stand beside Fred's bed.

Wordlessly, Fred shuffled over and pulled back the covers on the side he left free for her. She nervously slipped her legs under the thick duvet and settled herself next to the Weasely, who had now opened his eyes fully to look at the girl next to him. Sophia swore she could feel her heartbeat in her ears as she laid her head back on the pillow, looking up at the ceiling of the bed with unblinking eyes. She couldn't believe she was laying in the same bed as Fred Weasley, her boyfriend of at least four months now.

"Comfy?" his voice made her turn her head to meet the warm brown  eyes she had come to love. All she could do was nod and Fred took this reassurance to turn on to his side and wrap his arms around her petite waist. He pulled her close enough to have their noses touching and beamed so brightly at Sophia that the corners of his eyes crinkled.

"Won't Lee and George come in soon?" Sophia spoke for the first time since undressing from her ball gown.

"If they do, they won't care. They know that if they don't like you being in here, there's always the sofa in the common room," Fred answered. "Oh and Merry Christmas by the way."

Sophia hadn't noticed that it was now the 25th of December, officially making it Christmas Day. She hadn't heard the loud chime of the clock that was located on top of the Entrance Hall outside, but felt a sort of bubbly joy in her stomach when she realised it was her favourite holiday and she was spending it with the boy she adored. If she could only have her Father with her (obviously not in Fred's bed), she would say it was a perfect Christmas.

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