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After an argument that was obviously won by Sophia, the Christmas tree was decorated with lights, tinsel and ornaments. It was now only the star to be put on top. Fred pulled out a rather un-star like shape out of the box of ornaments and held it out for Sophia to take.

"What's that?" she questioned as she eyed the misshapen gold star.

"It's the star."

"That is not a star," she shook her head bemusedly. "That's a garden gnome from outside spray painted gold."

"It's as good as," Fred rolled his eyes and shoved the frozen gnome into Sophia's hands. He then crouched down and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her up with ease to be the same height of the Christmas tree. Sophia squealed at first and put her hands on Fred's shoulders to balance herself, only to have Fred gesture his head towards the top of the tree where the star should be placed. Sophia did what she was told and balanced the gold gnome on the top branch.

"Ah beautiful," Fred joked as he settled her back on the ground but kept an arm around her waist. The two stared up at the Christmas tree that was covered in silver tinsel and red baubles. The two tried their best to keep their laughs in from the gnome that stood on top but failed when Sophia let out the first giggle. Bill and Fleur stood in the doorway watching the two laugh continuously at the tree. It may have been an odd sight for others, but to them it was heartwarming. Seeing Sophia be so happy after so long would bring anyone a sense of warmness and joy when they knew about her past.

"There is a saying in France that reminds me a lot of those two," Fleur quietly spoke, leaning her head on Bill's shoulder. "Avoir elle est avior les estoiles."

"And what does that mean?"

"It means to 'ave her is to 'ave the stars."

The exchanging of presents on Christmas day was different every year for the Weasleys. Sophia didn't have anything to give but she still received a present from every single person in the room. She had even been given some presents from the people she had seen come and go from The Burrow, presumably members of the Order. She was grateful and overwhelmed by all the gifts and felt awful to have nothing to give in return. Sophia had already opened the light blue scarf from Fred and George as well as the jumper made by Molly. She vowed to wear it frequently as she had only been wearing Fred's clothes recently. She had her own clothes that sat in her trunk, but there was something about wearing Fred's big t-shirts and jumpers that he had left in the wardrobe in his and George's room. They relaxed her and made her feel like Fred was nearby even when he wasn't.

She had been given an odd shaped box that was wrapped in dark green wrapping paper and label stating 'from Dad', to which she put aside momentarily to open in private.

"What is this?" Ron asked as he opened his present from Fred and George, seeing a red coloured book with the title 'Twelve Fail Safe Ways to Charm Witches'.

"Forgotten how to read have you?" George teased. "You obviously need help Ronnie-kins. Trust us on this, it's Fred and I's holy grail."

"When have you two ever referred to this and have it turn out successfully?" Hermione shot a raised eyebrow and a disapproving look at the twins.

"Loads of times," Fred answered with his arm swung around Sophia's shoulder. "I'd say the best was the makeup cleaning spell I used in sixth year."

"I remember that..." Sophia thoughtfully admitted. "My face had never felt so clean."

Fred winked at Ron and Hermione from over the top of the girl's head before placing a kiss against the side of her head. He snuggled the scarf that he had bought her around her neck tighter and caught sight of the gold chain and pendent that sat under the material. He saw the three distinctive stars that varied between the colours red, orange and blue.

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