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Bill had made it up to the first floor with his Mum and separated to start searching the rooms. Bill went into the bathroom first, checking behind the shower curtain and even in the thin cupboard that sat beside the sink. Sophia was known to be rather short, who knows how small of a ball she can curl herself into. When he obviously didn't find her, Bill went into the next room without actually realizing whose it was. He opened the door and looked around for a minute, before zeroing in on the girl who was sitting up right on the furthest bed with her back facing him. He let out the deepest sigh of reliefs and turned over his shoulder to call out to the rest of his family.

"I found her! She's in here!" he called. Molly put a hand to her chest in relief as she pulled herself out of the storage cupboard and walked over to the window that was in the hallway. She pulled it open and stuck her head to cry out to George, seeing him smack bang in the middle of the field almost being swallowed by the long grass.

Bill shook his head with an amused expression at the whole situation before turning back to look into the bedroom, only to see the girl gone from her spot on the bed. He panicked for a moment at the thought of losing sight of Sophia for the second time, only to catch her again sitting in the corner under the windowsill. She sat on the floor with her arms hugging her knees tightly to her chest and burying her face into her kneecaps. She had curled herself into a frail looking ball making Bill raise a wary eyebrow at her shaking form. George, Charlie and Molly all arrived behind the man and looked into the bedroom to see Sophia in the corner.

"Oh thank Merlin she's alright," Molly sighed and took a step into the room.

"Um I wouldn't be so sure of that..." Charlie added at the sight of ball form she took. Molly seemed to ignore her son and continued on her way into the room, displaying her usual motherly smile. She weaved around the twin beds and made her way towards the corner, holding her arms out in a way someone would when going in for a hug.

"How did she even get all the way up here?" George questioned quietly, eyeing the corner with a concerned look.

"Gave us a fright you did Sophia," Molly said softly and got within two metres of her, only to have Sophia's head shoot up at the speed of light.

"D-Don't come near me!" she stuttered, her voice sounding raw and crackly. The Weasley mother stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of Sophia's blood-shot eyes and red nose, tears leaking down her bandaged face. Sophia sniffled and jerked her head like a robot round to the door, seeing the three redheaded men standing there astounded. She quivered at the sight of people being in the room and eyed the woman who approached her so hastily and warmly.

"Sophia... dear, it's okay," Molly attempted, and not daring to take a step closer. The girl was starting to shake like a leaf, shoulders rising and falling from her heavy and frantic breathing. "You're safe. You're at The Burrow dear."

"T-The... The Burrow," Sophia repeated as her eyes blinked repeatedly for a moment. Her voice then lowered into barely a whisper as she clutched her knees even tighter to herself. "I-I know the Burrow..."

"Yes, yes you do," Molly nodded along encouraging, offering a hesitant yet warm smile. "And you really should be in bed. You could hurt yourself more-"

"You're Molly," Sophia cut the woman off without stuttering this time, yet the Weasley didn't mind.

"Yes, I am Molly," she beamed down at the girl, happy at the recognition. "Molly Weasley, you remember dear?"

"Weasley..." Sophia repeated again but then went quiet, staring down at the floor wooden floor below her feet. Molly looked up to her sons standing at the doorway, all exchanging a very similar look. When nothing else was done, Molly started to take a few small steps towards the corner. This made Sophia shoot her head up again and try to shrink further into the wall, shuffling her feet away with some sobs leaving her mouth. It was heart breaking to hear the terrifying sobs come from the once so happy and vibrant girl. She looked like a frightened child, looking so small and afraid of something that seemed barely familiar to her.

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