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In the changing rooms, Oliver had given them all a good pep talk about tomorrow's game and said to Fred especially about no daydreaming about anyone in the crowds watching them. While changing back into their school uniforms, George was suspicious about his brother's sudden change in his usual gum-hoe personality and decided to confront him as they both pulled on their jumpers.

"What's up Freddie? Why were you so crappy out there today?" he asked and Fred sighed, turning to his twin.

"I saw Sophia was real down today," Fred answered as he pushed his jumper's sleeves up to his elbows.

"She was down in class today too," Harry decided to butt in when he heard about Fred's concern for his friend. "I think it's because Professor Lupin wasn't in Defence Against the Dark Arts. He's been looking rather ill lately."

"See, it must just be about her dad being sick," George added, knocking his fist lightly against Fred's shoulder. But this didn't settle Fred much. He knew that he definitely didn't like seeing Sophia so upset. It made his insides feel sad too, as if she was passing her emotions on to him without even knowing it. He found himself wanting to be the one to make her happy again and be someone that she could turn to in order to make her smile.

With this determination, the Quidditch team made their way towards the Great Hall for dinner. Fred immediately looked for Sophia at the Gryffindor table, and found her sitting next to Hermione with the same frown and depressed expression. He made his way over and slipped into the seat that was free next to her. She barely turned her head from her plate of half eaten pasta, which made Fred even more upset at her state.

"How you feelin' Soph?" he asked for good measure, seeing if she would tell him all her feelings right then and there.

"I'm okay Fred, just a little down," she answered vaguely. Fred lent one of his elbows on the table in front of him and faced the girl fully, leaning his head slightly down to try and glimpse at her face that was hidden by her long brown hair.

"Does Grandpa need to cheer you up?" Fred said as he reached out and daringly hooked part of her hair behind her ear, revealing her face. Sophia finally turned her head at the gesture, meeting eyes with the warm brown ones that she had grown to swoon over every time she saw them. Fred saw that he now had her attention and pulled his top lip over his teeth to give him the illusion of having no teeth. He started to make groaning noises that would resemble an old man's and peered at Sophia with a look of a gentle Grandpa's.

"Does dear Sophia need a big Grandpa Fred hug that smells like un-fashionable furniture and adult nappies?" Fred imitated an old man's voice, sounding exactly like Professor Binns, the History of Magic teacher. Sophia felt a grin form on her face as Fred made his arms seem withered and fragile as they lightly hooked round her shoulders and initiate a Grandpa hug. Sophia soon was laughing at Fred's continuous attempt to appear like an old man, and found herself cheering up immensely when he complained that there was no oatmeal for dinner and that the hall was too loud for his old ears.

Fred immediately felt his heart warm when he saw that he had made Sophia laugh and smile from his Grandpa impression, and laughed along with her when she attempted to read out something from her textbook for him as his old eyes couldn't see text that small. It wasn't until a voice behind them spoke that made them stop their joking around.

"I do hope you are not impersonating me in order to cheer up Miss Lupin, Mr Weasley."

The two whipped around in their seats to find Professor Dumbledore standing behind them, an amused smile on his face as he stared down at the two young Gryffindors. Some other students had turned to see why the Headmaster was standing at the Gryffindor table, and looked between Fred and Sophia with curious expressions. Fred had immediately straightened out and began to go red, stuttering profusely at being confronted by Professor Dumbledore.

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