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Living with Fred and George was just as chaotic as Sophia thought it was going to be. They never did the dishes and never did the laundry themselves. They insisted that their mother was happy to do their laundry and the dishes would soon get to an extent where one of them would be bothered enough to flick their wands and have them wash by magic. But until then, the pile of clothes and dishes just got bigger and bigger. Considering Sophia still wasn't allowed to do any magic until next month, when her seventeenth birthday would be, she would have to do it manually if she were to do all the chores. She was always the one to make the bed that her and Fred slept in as well as pick up the clothes that he would throw on to the floor when he got ready in the morning. And no amount of nagging would stop both of their habits.

So one day, when Fred and George went to work in the shop in the morning, Sophia set out a plan. Today would be the day she would do all the chores. Some may say that it wasn't right that she was the only one who did the chores around the flat, but the twins said that they didn't care about how they lived. If she wanted a clean living space, she would have to do it herself.

She took all of the mugs and cups that sat all around George's room and put them next to the pile of dishes already in the sink. The one thing that she had been able to do was to make Fred take his own dishware out of their room when he was done with them. But George hadn't gotten this message and had a total of ten cups on his nightstand. An honourable collection, but also an alarming one.

Sophia cleaned all of the dishes and put them all away. She then started on the sofa, forcing the enchanted pillows and cushions to go into their respectable places. It was true that they wanted to be everywhere except on the furniture they were meant for, and would fly across the room when she would try to force them into their places. After five attempts, Sophia laid herself down across the sofa to forcefully hold the wiggling cushions down all at once. They eventually stopped their squirming and laid still, making Sophia sigh in relief.

She then started on the laundry. They wouldn't be sending their laundry to Molly until tomorrow so the pile was quite high. But for some reason, the flat had a Muggle washing machine that both Fred and George didn't know about. It was inside the broom cupboard that sat in the hallway next to the bathroom. There was no way the twins knew what a washing machine was so Sophia didn't blame them for not using it. She barely knew how to use it herself, but thankfully got it working with the lighter coloured clothes being washed first before doing the next batch of dark clothes. She hung the washed clothes on a drying rack that also sat in the cupboard, placing it in the living room in front of the window so the Sun would work its warmth and dry them.

By the time the twins had locked up the shop and sent Verity on her way, Sophia had vacuumed (again found in the cupboard) and cleaned down all of the surfaces of the flat. Everyone's clothes had dried and been put away, and she even took the liberty of making George's bed for him. His room was exactly like Fred's except his bed had dark blue covers instead of maroon one's Fred had.

Sophia had just collapsed on to the neat-looking sofa when Fred and George walked through the front door. Their eyes first went to the sink that was free of any dishes, before travelling to Sophia with wide eyes.

"T-The dishes are all gone!" George exclaimed in shock.

"And the cushions are all on the sofa!" Fred followed. "Were we robbed by a polite thief?!"

"No. I cleaned the whole house," Sophia announced with emphasis on the 'I'. "All WITHOUT magic."

Fred hurried over to the cabinets in the kitchen and saw that all the cups, plates, cutlery and pans had been washed and put away neatly. George ran down the hallway and opened the door that lead into his room, seeing his bed neatly made and all his clothes sitting neatly in the drawers.

Ethereal ✭Fred Weasley✭Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant