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Going back to the flat for the twins was the worst. When Fred and George announced they would be heading home for the night, Sophia had gone into a state of intense panic. Fred had only made it to the front door when Sophia stumbled up out of her seat on the sofa and followed after him with teary eyes.

"Y-You're not leaving are you? You said you wouldn't leave Fred!" she cried while standing in front of the two boys. Fred exchanged a look with Molly and Remus who sat in the armchairs behind Sophia before biting his lip harshly at Sophia's frantic expression.

"I'll be back tomorrow love," Fred stated as he took hold of Sophia's hand, caressing the bandages with his thumb. "I promise. I'm not leaving forever. I wouldn't do that to you."

"B-But..." Sophia tried to argue but trailed off weakly.

Fred watched as Sophia face fell completely and his heart quivered at the sight. Her tense shoulders slouched and she backed away from him, her hand slipping out his large one. She walked back towards the sofa and sat down with her knees pulled up to her chest, taking her form of a curled up ball once again. Fred felt awful to see her like this and looked between George and his mother for some sort of guidance. He couldn't leave George to tend to the shop without him as he had already been away for a full day already. It wasn't right to be absent from his own shop after only just really having the grand open. But then there was Sophia who was afraid and terrified to be away from him after she was tortured for three months. And it made him feel guilty for leaving her even for the night. He was definitely between a rock and a hard place.

"Just go dear," Molly encouraged quietly to him and George. "I'll get her into bed soon anyway."

Fred reluctantly nodded and walked out the door after George, keeping his gaze on the girl in the corner of the sofa. His stomach sunk as he got further and further away from The Burrow and apparated away once him and George had made it outside the barrier. They would have to come back tomorrow anyway for meeting, but that could feel like a lifetime for Sophia.

Remus sat in the armchair watching his daughter's closed off posture with despair and sorrow. She hadn't talked to him at all since he had arrived but she had stared at him occasionally when she thought he wasn't looking. He was content with the familiarity that would glaze over her eyes but would be overjoyed to embrace her and indulge in the fact that Sophia was alive. It was an unbearable feeling to have your own flesh and blood not realise who you are or how important they are to you. It was also quite infuriating to have her constantly hide behind Fred and Fred only. He seemed to be the only one she recognised, and that was heart breaking for Remus.

Luckily for Molly, Sophia had tired herself out completely from the day. The girl fell asleep on the sofa with her head leaning against the arm rest and her legs still cuddled close to her chest. Considering on how severe her injuries still were, Molly was amazed that Sophia had stayed awake for as long as she did. But she was now in a deep sleep which made the job of getting her into bed so much easier. If she were to be awake, she would probably react the same way she did this morning if Molly had tried to get her back to her temporary room.

"I'll take her..." Remus offered quietly, standing with his wand in hand ready to levitate her. Molly was hesitant for a moment seeing as he had been so irrational before he had found out Sophia wasn't her usual self. The woman still hadn't heard him apologise to Fred for his unnecessary and out of proportion behaviour, but none the less let him take Sophia to Bill and Charlie's room. He then left for the night while saying he would be here for the meeting tomorrow evening.

Molly hadn't expected to walk into her son's room again the next morning to only have a wash of déjà vu overcome her. Charlie's bed was empty once again with the bed covers pulled back in their same position from yesterday. The woman had half a mind to panic again but thought better of it, heading straight up to Fred and George's room with hopes of finding her there. She sighed in relief when she saw the girl cuddled under the orange duvet that was undoubtedly Fred's and was even more relieved to see that Sophia was awake.

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