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Sophia didn't intend to sleep for fourteen hours but when she woke up; she had never felt so rejuvenated. She sat up and stretched out her arms behind her back, groaning as she took in the room around her. She wouldn't have slept so well if she hadn't been back in the flat. She felt safe here and could have never of obtained the same quality if she had continued to sleep in trees and fields. Swinging her legs over to the side, she went to stand off of the bed but stopped when she heard a faint noise come from the hall. Stopping in her tracks and reaching for her wand, her heart dropping when she realised that she had left her backpack and wand in the kitchen.

Waiting to hear any more noise, Sophia stood frozen in her spot, completely defenseless. If someone was in the flat, they could shoot her with a curse and she would have no way to stop it. She contemplated hiding under the bed or in the wardrobe, but decided against it when she heard the floorboards in the hall creak. She was now sure that someone was indeed nearby and she was in a state of panic and fear. Did someone see her run into the Weasley shop yesterday? Had they alerted the Ministry and Death Eaters have now come to arrest her?

If she would have really thought about it, she would have remembered that the twins had put enchantments around the flat that only allowed them and Sophia through. But she was too absorbed into the situation that she could barely think straight. She held her breath as footsteps began to echo throughout the hall, but they were slow and wary, obviously under the impression that someone else was here. Her wand and backpack sitting on the kitchen counter would have been the first giveaway and now seeing that only one door in the whole flat was shut confirmed her inhabitant. She watched helpless as the door-handle jiggled and before it was pushed open, Sophia letting a small yelp out in fear as someone entered the room.

Fred froze in his place as his suspicions were confirmed. His eyes were wide and his lips parted at the sight of Sophia standing in their very bedroom. He didn't know how to react at first and Sophia composed herself quicker. Breathing out the loudest sigh of relief, tears welled up in her eyes as she sprinted forward and leaped into Fred's arms. She buried herself into his front with her legs around his middle, Fred forcing himself to hook his hands around her and squeeze her against him.

"Oh my god Fred," Sophia wept into his shoulder. "I thought you were... You scared me to death!"

"Why would you leave your wand in the kitchen?" Fred mumbled against her hair but felt himself smile despite his point. Sophia pulled back and grabbed the sides of his face, smashing her lips against his in a desperate kiss. Fred reacted immediately and kissed back, the past urge to do so now diminishing inside of him as he indulged in her soft lips. He dreaded the moment she moved her head backwards but was immediately hit with her questions.

"What are you doing here?!" Sophia cried and Fred let her feet drop to the ground, keeping his hands on her sides. "You do know you left the front door unlocked right?!"

"You underestimate me," Fred shook his head with a growing smirk on his face.

"What do you mean?" she questioned with a puzzled expression. Fred's eyes ran over her appearance and he couldn't stop himself from smiling. He couldn't believe he had been able to predict Sophia's plan and was ecstatic to see her unharmed and well.

"I'll explain in the living room."

Sophia made the two of them cups of tea as Fred peaked out of the curtains into the street. He looked left and right for any pass-byers but saw none. He pulled his head back through when he heard the soft ching of two mugs being placed down on the coffee table, and sat down next to Sophia on the sofa. She was basically itching to hear his story. Fred pressed his lips together at her anxious yet hopeful expression and finally decided to relieve her of the curiosity.

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