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Sophia found herself sitting on the sofa facing Fred with George sitting in the armchair to her right. The fire continued to burn in the fireplace and emitted its usual orange glow that matched the twins' hair and complimented their bright Quidditch robes. Fred had ahold of Sophia's bleeding hand and was rubbing the Murtlap Essence over it after giving it a good clean with a simple cleaning spell. Sophia stared at Fred's face as he was focusing on her wound and delicately grasping her small hand, being silent ever since they had all sat down. George had already nodded off into a sleep in his chair, his head back against the cushions with his mouth open to emit obnoxious snores.

The girl found herself feeling immensely anxious from Fred's out of character silence, knowing that he was hiding what he was really feeling. He did say that he wasn't going to say anything about how she had gotten detention from a member of the Ministry even though she was supposed to be lying low. But his stand-offish attitude was keeping Sophia constantly on edge. She thought that in any second he was going to jerk his head up and enrol on a rant about how careless she was to confront Professor Umbridge in the way she did. Or worse, she thought Fred would just sit here and stay silent for the rest of his life in a form of way to get back at her.

When it soon became unbearable, Fred conjured a bandage from his wand that tightly wrapped around her hand. It stung slightly but it wasn't as big of a sting as it was to sit there in silence with her stubborn boyfriend.

"Please say something..." she pleaded. Fred looked up from Sophia's hand with raised eyebrows to see her sad eyes and nervous expression. Still holding her small hand in his, Fred sighed aloud.

"What do you want me to say?" Fred shrugged his shoulders. His lack of usual playful exterior was unnerving and was replaced with a look that was exhausted and done with the situation.

"Anything... or hex me with a forever-growing hair charm. Please don't just sit here and say nothing to me..." Sophia was now ready to get on her knees. But what she didn't know was that Fred was fuming on the inside. Not with her but with Dolores Umbridge. Yes Sophia was partly responsible for speaking the way she did to a Witch she knew who was not to be messed with, but it didn't cover the fact that the woman had scarred his girlfriend's soft skin. Seeing the words etched into her flesh and covered with blood had set something off inside of Fred and the only way to not burst into a murderous rampage, was to be silent and keep his emotions at bay.

"Okay well..." Fred started and braced himself to have at least some control. "You're a twit for doing what you did."

Sophia nodded along with a small sense of relief of him admitting of her stupidity. She sat waiting for more as her shoulders were tense for whatever Fred would throw at her, but she was left in that position for a while. Fred looked as if he was fighting with himself, his lips pursed together in attempts to smother some mighty curse words he knew she wouldn't appreciate.

"And?..." Sophia tried to egg him on. He had been looking away from her until then but quickly shot his deep brown eyes up to meet hers, the fire that was deep inside him now visible for Sophia to see.

"And I want to hang Umbitch by her feet in the Great Hall."

"Fred!" Sophia exclaimed in shock.

"What? You asked me to say something and I did."

Sophia slouched in her seat with her eyes still wide, taking in Fred's murderous look with pure amazement. She knew Fred could sometimes get frustrated and angry, and also knew he could be quite protective of her. But never had she thought her usually playful and cheeky boyfriend would say something so brutal. None the less, Sophia couldn't help but agree wholeheartedly with him. She hated the woman now more than she has ever hated someone before.

Ethereal ✭Fred Weasley✭Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon