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"Alright keep your hair on Ron," Fred rhymed with a roll of his eyes, but beamed down at Sophia straight afterwards. "You should see the state of Snape's office. George and I put a bunch of mixed potions into his cabinets. As soon as he opens it, he'll be every colour of the bleeding rainbow! But you didn't hear it from me."

"Oh yeah and who else would do such a thing?" Sophia muttered sarcastically while shoving her last spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

"What exam do you have today?"

"Practical Charms."

"I'll walk you there."

The two got up and made their way out of the Great Hall hand in hand. Professor Umbridge was too caught up in the amount of dungbombs and Fainting Fancies that were in her office to continue enforcing the eight inches rule on Sophia and Fred. They indulged in the moment of being able to be close to each other while turning down the last corridor that leads to Professor Flitwick's class. Sophia wasn't worried for Charms and with it being the practical was even better. She'd definitely get an Outstanding in this exam and let her continue it next year for her N.E.W.Ts'.

"I did it!"

Fred and Sophia turned around to the voice that came from behind them, seeing George sprinting down the corridor with a big smile on his face. His eyes twinkled proudly as he stopped in front of the two, heroically putting his hands on his hips as the two raised their eyebrows at his gum-hoe attitude.

"Did what exactly?" Sophia questioned first.

"I, George Weasley, asked Angelina Johnson out on a date!" he announced.

"Ooooo Georgie's got a crush," Sophia sang while shaking her shoulders to a tune that only she could hear. George didn't even blush from the teasing and looked straight to Fred who was the complete opposite to him, with his openly grumpy expression that was a result of his brother's success.

"Pay up dear brother of mine," George stuck his hand out with wiggling eyebrows and watched in glee as Fred began rummaging around in his trouser pocket.

"You bet on this?" Sophia looked between the two when Fred reluctantly slapped a pile of galleons into George's hand. "Do you two ever stop?"

"Nope," George answered and eyed the money in his hands, feeling at his best today. Not only had him and Fred successfully manipulated Snape's precious potions, he had asked out his seven year long crush and made fifteen galleons from his arch nemesis; his twin brother. After a moment of staring at the galleons in his hand, they suddenly became transparent before his eyes and eventually disappeared completely from his palm.

"Hey! This is Leprechaun Gold!" George cried and looked up to see Fred sprinting away from him, a puff of black smoke in the place of where he once stood. He was spotted turning the last corner of the corridor, leaving Sophia in a coughing fit from the black smoke that he had thrown before his departure. She looked around confused when she saw Fred was gone and jumped when George suddenly cried out. "Get back here you twit!"

George brushed past Sophia and sprinted after Fred, leaving the girl to sigh at the thought of those two being legal adults and will be out in the real world by the end of the week. She shook her head at their immaturity that she knew she loved and walked into her Charms class, seeing the desks pushed to the sides of the classroom to make space for the practical examination. Only four more to go, she said in her head. And I'll finally be done for the year.

It happened during the Defence Against the Dark Arts theory exam. Professor Umbridge stood on the raised platform in the Great Hall, watching like a hawk over the fifth years who worked surprisingly well on their exam papers. With a majority of them being part of Dumbledore's Army, they knew nearly everything on the exam parchment thanks to Harry's fantastic teaching. Students scribbled away with their quills and Umbridge's eyes would glaze over each and everyone of them, occasionally resting on Harry Potter for that one second longer. It was quiet and seemingly normal, pleasing the putrid Professor.

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