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"Zhis is your bride," Fleur broke him out of his mental breakdown and presented Sophia, who stood bashfully next to her clad in a simple dress with her hair tied up in a simple bun. His eyes raked over her from head to toe with his cheeks getting warm at how naturally beautiful she was. His mind automatically looked over the white scars that marked her milky skin yet appreciated them at the same time.

"You... y-you look-" Fred stuttered once he met Sophia's eyes with red cheeks. "-like a star."

Sophia giggled and stepped closer to be in front of him with Bill at her side, Fleur shuffling to be beside George. The three inwardly awed at the sight of Fred's blushing face and Sophia's bright smile. Anyone could see that the two were madly in love and were rushing with emotions right now. They were excited yet anxious and nervous yet prepared (despite Fred's brief moment of doubt), and Bill took this moment to clear his throat.

"Should I?" he asked with the book open in his hands, making Sophia and Fred take each other's hands while staring back at one another. Bill cleared his throat and began to read aloud over the wind that had now slowed to a soft breeze.

"The five of us are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the two faithful souls of Frederick-" Sophia and George giggle. "-Fabian Weasley and Sophia Hazel Lupin."

"We stand here today on this beach to initiate the eternal bond between these two as they stay faithful and bound to each other. Although life's pattern may befall them, both enlightening and inconveniencing, they shall stay beside one another in love and support. May those from above and beside them, watch over these two to guide them through bonded life, and see that their periods-"

"Hehe you said periods," George laughed and Fred whipped his head around to glare at his brother.

"George, I swear to Merlin-"

"Just keep going Bill," Fleur stopped him with a sigh, rolling her eyes at the twins' childish behaviour.

"Er right um," Bill frantically searched through the lines on the page, sheepishly glancing up. "I-I can't find my place."

"Just skip to the end then," George waved his hand dismissively.

"No!" Fred fought back. "Find where you were! Something about periods-"



"W-We can make it up!" Sophia spoke up and everyone turned to look at her, seeing her slightly embarrassed but determined. "L-Like our vows. We got through most of the official stuff. We can just say our personal vows now."

"Erm alright," Bill shut the book and held it in both hands, looking between the two. "Is there anything you two would like to say to each other during this time?"

"I-I'll go first I guess," Sophia announced as she fiddled with Fred's fingers that were entertwined with her own. "I still remember meeting you for the first time on the Hogwarts Express and being confused at how much you were staring at me. I also remember you taking the hit of a bludger for me and breaking your shoulder entirely. You reassured me that you'd rather have yourself hurt than me, and I'll never forget how you made me feel even when you had your long hair phase.

We officially got together in my fourth year and I still feel the same for you now as I did back then. Even when I was terrified of my own shadow, you still were the only one who made me feel safe. You were the one that made me survive the most painful time of my life and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. I love how wacky you are and how you can always make a joke out of anything, even when it's exceedingly dark. I love you Frederick, and no map or constellation could make up to you."

Ethereal ✭Fred Weasley✭Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon