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The air became less tense at the Tonks residence and Sophia was able to sit down in the living room without much worry. She sat in between her father and his wife on the large sofa and thought it would be best to introduce herself to her new baby brother.

"Erm hi," she muttered as she looked down at Teddy. The boy blinked at her with his dark eyes, interested and comfortable to be within the company of his mother's arms. Still with his lips attached to the bottle, Teddy whined slightly as Tonks pulled it gently from his mouth.

"Do you want to hold him?" Tonks questioned and Sophia's head jolted up.

"Err I guess so?" she replied in a sort of question. Tonks smiled and slowly handed her baby over with his blanket still loosely around his body before snuggling him into the crevice of Sophia's arms. Sophia sat up straighter and held Teddy against her chest, trying her best to keep her hands steady from the nerves of holding such a delicate being.

Teddy fussed momentarily from being moved but settled against Sophia's sweater. His chubby hand reached out as if to touch her face, cooing mindlessly and ran his eyes all over her appearance. Sophia felt her heart melt at his innocent eyes and unmarked skin, seeing nothing but curiosity and pure interest in his face. She had never really come in contact with a baby before and suddenly holding one brought her something she hadn't felt before. Teddy hadn't been exposed to anything. No Death Eaters or curses. He had no idea what state the world was in right now. He was only focused on where his mother was and when he could take his next nap. She couldn't believe that someone could have utter chaos going on around them yet have no idea and no understanding of what it was.

"He's cute," she laughed lightly and glanced up at Remus next to her. Remus beamed at her and felt his heart swell at the sight of his children being so happy next to him. He had half expected Sophia to be hostile towards Teddy and not accept him as family. But seeing the smile on Sophia's face and the small giggle coming from Teddy was enough for him to completely drop the idea of any hostility.

Because of how indulged the two were in the baby, they didn't see that Fred's lips had stretched into the brightest of smiles. From his place on the floor next to George, he was able to see the full display of Sophia holding the cooing baby and couldn't contain the buzzing sensation in his stomach. It wasn't new for him to fantasize about having a family with Sophia. They had gotten married with the intent to continue into a family just like any other couple. He had even told her back in his seventh year that he had wanted at least six kids with her. He was no stranger to the thought.

But seeing how gently she held her baby brother and the way her skin practically glowed, it reminded him how much he adored her and couldn't wait to eventually have a family with her. He always admired how happy and loving his own parents were/are despite their chaotic household and dodgy income. He hoped that one day, when the war was over and they could live freely, he could be just like his mum and dad with countless ginger children. Or brunette children. He didn't mind.

"So did you only come to tell me about your engagement?" Remus questioned after a short while. Sophia looked up from Teddy and bit her lip in anxiety, thinking of what she needed to painfully break to him about her Sky map.

"Erm well..." Sophia went to continue but was stopped by a ball of light flying in through the open window and stopping in the middle of the room. The Weasleys and Lupins looked up abruptly and immediately recognised a Sphinx cat Patronus belonging to Kingsley Shacklebolt.

'Lightning has struck at Hogwarts. Follow the discussed protocol.'

Kingsley's voice boomed before it disintegrated along with the cat into the air. Tonks immediately grabbed Teddy out of Sophia's arms and jumped up from the sofa, disappearing into the hall and out of sight with Teddy's gurgling following her. Fred and George jumped up from the floor and Remus did the same, straightening their clothes and pulling their wands out of their pockets. They seemed to know exactly what Kingsley was referring to unlike Sophia, who sat in confusion at everyone jumping to attention around her.

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