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Fred moved at the speed of light and rolled on top of Sophia, narrowly avoiding the napping Pygmy Puff on the pillow. Sophia squealed when Fred's weight transferred on to her and she was smothered with kisses all over her face. He made sure that he had his bottom half in between Sophia's legs so that he wouldn't completely crush her. Especially not on her birthday. Never the less, he didn't let her wiggle out from under him as he continued to suffocate her with kisses.

"Fred-get-off!" Sophia tried to say while turning her head to the side. She spotted her wand sitting next to Fred's on the nightstand furthest away from her and reached out her arm desperately. After a small leap of faith, she grasped the light brown wood and performed her very first spell while being a legal adult. Fred was jinxed off of her and fell to the floor, a small yelp leaving his mouth in surprise and was followed with a groan of pain.

"The first spell you use legally is a separation jinx?!" Fred cried with a grimace from the ache in his back. Sophia leaned over the side of the bed and grinned down at him, ecstatic about finally being able to use magic after half a year of restrictions.

"It's my birthday. I do what I want!" she cheered and sat up straight in bed, looking around for something else to use magic on. While Fred grabbed hold of the duvet and tried to pull himself up with another groan, Sophia spotted a small pile of presents sitting on top of the wardrobe. Fred knew that she was too short to reach anywhere near there so he stuck all the gifts in the place she knew she wouldn't be able to get to without magic or a chair. And they didn't have a dining table in the flat so she had no chair to move into the room. But now that she was an adult, she used the summoning charm with a flick of her wand and the wrapped presents flew down obediently.

"We have to wait for Georgie before you open them," Fred mentioned as he got to his feet when he saw that Sophia was ready to dive into her gifts. "GEORGE! GET IN HERE!"

"Did you have to yell?" Sophia questioned with a wincing expression. Fred beamed at her without an answer before climbing back under the duvet on his side and leaning back against the headboard. Not a moment later, the door opened and George walked in with his ginger hair sticking out in all directions and his eyes half shut.

"Did you have to yell?" George repeated as he dragged a hand down his face. Sophia shot Fred a smug look to which he ignored while grabbing his wand and sending a hex George's way. George yelped aloud and jumped out of the path of the flying spell, making it hit the wall behind him and leaving a black mark of charred wallpaper.

"What the hell was that for?!" George cried, now wide awake as he looked back forth between the wall and his brother.

"For being my brother. Now hurry up and sit down," Fred jabbed his wand to towards the end of the bed where Sophia's feet didn't reach. George grumbled like an old man as he did what he was told and sat down on the end of the bed, crossing his lanky legs with a huff.

"Happy birthday Soph," he muttered while failing to fight the smile that appeared on his face.

"Thank you Georgie. Oh, and nice pajamas," Sophia giggled and George looked down at his sleeping attire which consisted of a white t-shirt and pajama pants with Nifflers' all over them.

"Mum got me them, lay off," George rolled hiseyes before mumbling. "And I like them."

Sophia laughed and Fred ushered her to start opening the pile of presents that sat on her lap. The twins watched as she opened all the presents that had come from various people. They came from Harry, Ron and Hermione (obviously left at the Burrow as the OwlPost was constantly being watched by the Ministry for any sign of Sophia or Death Eaters' communication) as well as Order members. Albus Dumbledore had even gifted her a Sneakoscope. Her father had gotten her the usual three Chocolate Frogs even though she had completely the set of trading cards, but had also enclosed a Sugar Quill as well. A small yet sweet surprise she appreciated.

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