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Sophia scooped some soup out of the huge cauldron that Molly had made before sitting beside George and immediately began eating. Fred settled himself next to her, watching her shovel down the food in amusement. Molly and Remus had sat down on the sofa in front of fire place and were catching up like old times. Molly said that her husband Arthur won't be home till later this evening and that he was welcome to stay to talk to him too, only to have Remus decline politely and say he needed to head off for a potential job interview this evening.

"What's been happening then?" Sophia asked as she looked from each of the boys' faces.

"Well Bill and Charlie are here," Ron started and dawned a scowl when he said the next bit. "But Percy's driving us mad. He's got a job in the Ministry working for Barty Grouch or whatever."

"Crouch Ickle-Ron" Fred corrected him. "Haven't you been listening at all to Percy's constant drivle?"

"Of course I haven't, he's mental," Ron murmured. "And stop calling me that!"

"Mum's been pushing Fred and I about because of the new sweets we've invented," George explained next as he coincidentally held out a suspicious looking sweet towards Sophia. "Care for one?"

"Um no thanks," Sophia said unsurely as she busied herself with her soup. She had wanted seconds but was too shy to get up and get some, but Fred had spotted her hesitation and took the bowl from the table. He stood up and went to the cauldron himself, filling it up for her which resulted in more kissing noises being made from George.

"Oh did you two get your O.W.L scores?" Sophia perked up from the thought, looking between Fred and George who exchanged a look to which she didn't see.

"Yes but we don't need that kind of negativity at the table dear," George patted the girl on the shoulder. "You just started eating anyway!"

"How's your arm now Sophia?" Ron decided to ask, motioning to her arm that was covered by the sleeve of her top.

"Oh it's alright now, it scabbed over eventually," she informed by pulling up her sleeve to show the long scar that stretched from the end of her hand to her elbow. "I'll just have to have this forever. At least I can cover it unlike my dad's ones."

"And what are the sleeping arrangements?" Harry questioned to avoid the twins murder, as Sophia looked at both Fred and George with such fear and worry when hearing about their not so promising O.W.Lscores, that Harry was afraid she'd melt into a puddle of only those two emotions forever.

"You're in my room," Ron said before turning to Sophia who had happily chowed into her second bowl of soup after thanking Fred. "You and Hermione are in Ginny's room if that's okay?"

"Although we know that she'd much rather be in Fred's room," a new voice came from the staircase, making them all turn to see an older redhead standing there with a fang through his ear and his hair up in a ponytail.

"Oh lay off Bill," Fred groaned and Sophia blushed a deep shade of red. She relied on her hair flowing down to cover her face when she hunched over her soup bowl, already having finished her second serving. The boy named Bill laughed and walked over to stand at the head of the table, leaning his hands on it for balance.

"I'm only joking Freddie," Bill grinned before letting his eyes travel to the girl who he had been teasing. "Sorry to embarrass you so much Sophia, I just had to jump on the band-waggon of jokes that Ron and George have been making all Summer. You're actually quite popular in this household along with Harry here. I'm Bill by the way."

"Sophia," the girl mumbled behind her hair, even though he had made it clear that he already knew her name. Had she really been talked about that much at The Burrow before her arrival? Even the Weasleys that she hadn't met seemed to know about her, and she wasn't sure if she was flattered or utterly embarrassed by this. Judging by her blushing face, it was obviously the latter. Fred tried to catch her eye to give her an apologetic smile, but was halted in his attempt when Remus had spoken up from the living room.

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