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Molly let out a loud sigh with her fingers fiddling together, before turning to face Fred and Sophia. She looked between them, glancing towards their hands that each had the silver band still on their ring fingers. She read their fearful and anxious expressions before trusting herself to speak once more.

"I would have really liked to have been at the ceremony," Molly started and Sophia winced at first. "But I suppose it can't be helped. Welcome to the family, dear!"

The woman wrapped her chubby arms around Sophia's arms and awkwardly embraced her from her chair. George attempted to beam at Sophia from behind Molly's back with his thumbs up in encouragement and Fred did the same to Molly, smiling brightly at her. Molly surrendered to the tears filling in her eyes and sobbed down Sophia's back, realising that her once little boy has grown up. Fred and George were the ones she and Arthur had least expected to ever settle down. The two once joked that they'd end up as the fun uncles rather than having families of their own.

"Oh you're Mrs Sophia Weasley!" Molly exclaimed and sobbed louder, making George roll his eyes and Fred result to a cringe that could be taken as a smile.

"And you're my mother-in-aaw," Sophia replied with an awkward laugh, making the woman sob harder.

"I never thought the day would come! Oh Freddie!" she stood up from her chair and rushed over to Fred, her face red and riddled with tears. She yanked him up and submerged herself into Fred's front, bawling into his jumper.

"Mum, you do know what this means right?" George decided to butt in, the woman peeling herself from Fred's jumper and looking to him with a questioning look. Fred and Sophia both knew that George was up to no good, but could only send warning gazes to which both were ignored.

"The next step is obviously going to be children!"

"Oh Merlin, Mary and Joseph!"

"Nice one George..."

"I've got to start knitting rompers!"

"Oh Molly, you really shouldn't-"

"Nonsense! I expect twins!"

Molly immediately started to grab her bag that sat next to the sofa in the living room and pulled out several balls of yarn and wool. Fred sent a killing glare towards George who beamed from his place at the table and sipped his tea with raised eyebrows, knowing full well what he just got the couple into. Sophia stood with a hand on her forehead, the thought of twins at the age of eighteen making her suddenly dizzy. The gene was definitely there and they could well and truly have twins. And if they turned out anything like Fred and George, they would be in for a whirlwind. The fact that she was even thinking about this was barbaric in itself.

"Um Molly-" Sophia started.

"Dear, we're family now. Call me Mum", Molly shot her a swift grin and nod, now having completely forgotten about missing her son's wedding.

"Okay um... Mum-" she blushed lightly and stepped into the living room. "-what do you think I should tell my dad?"

"Well I doubt it would be much of a shock," she shrugged. "With him and Tonks doing the same thing, he wouldn't really have-"


Molly blinked and stopped her knitting, looking at Sophia with a puzzled expression. Her mouth was to the floor and she resembled what Molly had looked like only minutes ago. The Weasley Mother then realised that she had just let slip the news without knowing that Sophia hadn't been told yet.

"O-Oh dear..." Molly placed the tips of her fingers against her lips as if to take it back. "Maybe I shouldn't have said that..."

"My dad got married?! When?!" Sophia glanced back at Fred and George, only to see them looking away from her and fiddling nervously with anything that was near. "Wait, you two knew about this as well?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

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