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All the Hogwarts students sat in the Great Hall, buzzing with excitement as Professor Dumbledore stood at his podium.

"Please welcome the students of the Beauxbatons Academy and their Headmistress Madam Maxine!" he announced and the doors of the Great Hall suddenly opened, and a sea of light blue uniforms made their way in perfect lines down the aisle of the tables. Jaws dropped to the floor as beautiful looking girls and boys made their way to the Ravenclaw table that had been extended for them to sit at.

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed as they gracefully swept past the Gryffindor. Sophia spotted some of the people she knew while at the Academy, but none of them were part of her close friend group. The way they delicately walked and sat down at their table had reminded her so much of how they used to be taught to always be graceful and polite. Hogwarts must have seemed like a right scruff hut compared to the students of Beauxbatons. Most of them weren't as accepting and cultured as Sophia was, seeing as a lot of the girls of the schools looked around the hall in disgust. But Sophia was used to scruff, as was her father for that fact.

"Blimey, that's one big woman," Seamus spoke out and gestured towards Madam Maxine who was walking behind her students down the aisle. She was large, larger than Hagrid for some comparison. The slim woman made her way to the teacher's table and Professor Dumbledore greeted her with his polite manners.

"Is that how you used to dress and walk?" Fred whispered into Sophia's ear.

"If you mean I used to have to walk in lines all the time and dress like Peter Pan, then yes," Sophia answered and laughed when Fred pulled an expression of confusion.

"Who's Peter Pan?" he asked clueless. Sophia shook her head in amusement and left Fred to ponder about who Peter Pan was. What she didn't know, was that Fred was having the time of his life picturing Sophia in one of those silk-fitted uniforms. Especially at how they would curve around her-

"And please join me in welcoming the students of Durmstrang school and their Headmaster Igor Karkaroff!" Professor Dumbledore announced and the doors banged open again. A herd of gruff looking boys entered the hall in brown uniforms, their fierce demeanours being a strong contrast to the elegant students that had just been in their place of the aisle. Hogwarts students jumped in their seats from the sight of the intimidating males stomping into the room, and made their way to the end of the Slytherin table that had been extended for them.

"It's him!" Ron squeaked. "Viktor Krum!"

Indeed, the Bulgarian Seeker was walking next to a creepy looking man that must of been their Headmaster. It didn't take long for whispers to begin from everyone as the best Seeker in the world had entered the Hall and sat down with the other boys that belonged to his school. Ron was beside himself and couldn't stop staring at the skin-head Durmstrang student who wasn't talking to anyone around him. Igor Karkaroff made his way to the teacher's table and sat down next to Professor Snape, keeping a permanent scowl on his face.

"Welcome visitors! I am Professor Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" he introduced himself.

After the speech from Dumbledore about the Tri-Wizard tournament, the great feast appeared once more on all tables and everyone immediately indulged. Sophia was eating her soup quietly while conversations continued around her, listening to Fred, George and Lee's mostly.

"I'm going for it!" Fred announced. "Eternal glory sounds quite nice if I'm honest."

"You're underage, you heard Crouch," Sophia shot back but it didn't dampen Fred's mood.

"You think that'll stop me? You up for it Georgie?" Fred turned to his twin who was mirroring his expression.

" 'course I am!" the twin answered and the two began to devise a plan in order to enter their names in the Goblet of Fire. The goblet would choose one student from each school to compete in what Dumbledore described as 'three very dangerous tasks'. If you were to win the tournament, you receive a prize of one thousand galleons and of course, 'eternal glory'. Sophia didn't fancy it at all (even though she couldn't enter anyway, as the age was clearly stated by Barty Crouch to be seventeen), even if the prize of one thousand galleons would be a blessing for her father. But she knew he would never want her competing in this, no matter how great the prize was.

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