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Sophia found her body reacting before she even made a decision and she was soon engulfed in Fred's arms. Burying her face into Fred's school jumper was one of her favourite sensations that came with being his girlfriend, and it made her feel special that she was one of the few who could do it. Even if it did block off most of her air intake, Sophia took the time to enjoy being cuddled against his tall frame and only being the height to reach his chin while on her toes. Fred didn't complain and happy wrapped his arms around the small girl, knowing full well that she needed it right now. Cupping the back of her head with one of his palms and the other around her middle, the boy faintly could smell the shampoo she used as well as the scent of washing powder that was used by the House Elves at Hogwarts.

"Your mum reads the Prophet doesn't she?" Sophia's voice was muffled from the fabric of his jumper.

"Not after what they wrote about Dad from the Quidditch World Cup."

Sophia nodded against his chest and went silent again, the two remaining in the hug for longer than they intended. It wasn't until Professor Trewlaney came stumbling down the corridor that the two broke apart, the Professor smelling oddly of Cooking Sherry.

"Ah children," she said in her mystical tone, throwing her arms out in front of her to engage the two who stood close to each other. "Love is what I see in your futures. Oh most certainly. But in the corridors is not where it should be unfolding. Pip pip children."

Fred spent the rest of the week keeping a close eye on Sophia and being was extra affectionate towards her. He went the extra lengths to make her smile without making any jokes that he thought were too far. Fred had even started to wait outside of her classes in order to walk her to her next one, sometimes jeopardising his own classes. The amount of times Professor McGonagall had scolded him for being late now became an everyday thing, with her saying things like,

"Did Miss Lupin make it to Astronomy today Mr Weasley?"


" Did you make sure she had some Breakfast this morning Mr Weasley?"

To Sophia's surprise, Hermione sat beside her in the common room one evening while they were doing their homework. She had previously caught eyes with Fred from across the room who stood with George and Angelina Johnson, the two exchanging a quick warm smile that Hermione caught sight of. Her friend tapped her on the shoulder to catch her attention before saying,

"Has Fred told you about his new athletic activities?"

"What do you mean?" Sophia questioned, confused.

"Both Neville and Dean told me that they've seen Fred sprinting down the halls in between classes," Hermione explained and it only confused Sophia more. Reading her expression, Hermione rolled her eyes with an amused smile before explaining further. "He's running to take you to your classes Sophia."

Looking back over at Fred with now a new type of admiration and liking, she watched as he broke out into a charming laugh with George about something Angelina said. The way the crinkles formed next to his eyes made her heart stop and the display of his white teeth made her swoon completely, unable to hold make the giddy smile that formed on her face. Hermione shook her head with her own smile and turned back to her homework, only to be disturbed moments later by Ron appearing at her side.

"Please Hermione!" he tried to push his own homework into her hands. "Just the Introduction! After that I'll get out of your hair."

"You haven't even started yet?" Hermione cried. "It's due tomorrow Ronald!"

"I know! That's why I need you to help me!" Ron replied with an equal amount of integrity. With another roll of her eyes, Hermione snatched the parchment out of his hands and sat with a scowl on her face as she started on Ron's essay first.

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