(Pt. 1) Your Friendly Neighborhood Nick Carter

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I lay soundly asleep in my bed, without a care in the world.

Closed curtains, a leopard print sleep mask topped off with a sound machine and humidifier. Ahh the perfect environment for catching Z's before class.

Experiencing the sweetest of dreams, only for them to be ended by multiple sets of alarms. Never being able to truly have the proper ending.


Though this time my alarm isn't what wakes me up.

A bombastic ruckus does.

The sound of what turned out to be moving vans, a pick up truck and an argument, wakes me up. All these things just so happen to be right outside my window.


Figuring I only had an hour or so before my first alarm goes off I decide to go ahead and get up.

I ignore what's happening outside and go through my daily routine.


While waiting for my tea to steep I undo my twists and grab my backpack. After making sure I have everything I need, I grab my thermos and head out the door.

Once I'm outside I look over at the commotion and as suspected I have a new neighbor. Unsure of whether or not the say "Hi" or wave, I look down at my phone hoping to look busy
instead of awkward.

It worked. I get in my car and drive to my college.

Hours pass and I'm out, heading back home.

While turning into my unit, I look and see all of the vehicles from earlier today gone. Whoever moved in I hope they enjoy it here.

I parked into my designated spot and settle in for the night, preparing for the next day.


Another relatively simple day of classes pass and I quicky make my way across campus to my car.

Well, that is until I'm flagged down by a friend of mine.

"Hey, girl. Why didn't you tell me about your new neighbor?"

I shrug "I don't know, I didn't-- Wait how did you know that I--?"

She pulls out her phone and shows me a nosy ig post.

It read: Pop star Nick Carter recently said to have moved into cozy apartment. Read below to see why he chose to keep it simple.

Did they just call where I live simple?

I leave behind that thought and say "I mean I do have a new neighbor, but how do you know if it's my community or not?"

"They showed examples of the apartments, but not his actual place. See."

She swiped to the photos and sure enough it looks like my place. Same bricks, hinges and windows.

I frown "Isn't this against the law or something?"

She shrugs "I dunno, but let me know when you meet him!'

I nod.

I race home, prepared to see a crazed mob of fan, but instead just the usual joggers and dog walkers..

Maybe security handled it already.

I take my stuff out of the car and head inside.

Almost immediately I'm struck with a sense of tiredness and don't feel up to cooking tonight, so I decide to order a pizza.

About ten minutes pass and there's a knock at the door. I make my way to it thinking that it's crazy early for the delivery man to be here.

Figuring that it wasn't the pizza, I check the peephole and can only see the front of someone's shirt.


I take my chances on this person being an Axe Murderer and open the door.

"Hey um I'm Nick, your new neighbor." He stretches out his hand for me to shake it and I do.

My mouth hangs open momentarily, just outside my door is Nick Carter smiling at me and I'm holding his hand! I forgot all words to make even the simplest sentence.

Okay, so this might be better than an early pizza delivery!

He recognizes my shock and continues the conversation anyway "I just wanted to introduce myself since I didn't get a chance to this morning."

I nod.

Nick runs his hand through his hair "I had seen you earlier and wanted to say sorry for the noise, but you seemed to be in a hurry."

I snap out of my trance "Hey, no it's okay, sorry about not stopping by.. I was in a rush."

Okay so that might not be entirely true...

"It was really nice meeting you." I smile and try to keep it together.

"It was really nice meeting you too." He leans against the door frame and flashes a bright grin.

Sensing that this conversation might end soon, I think fast and say "Did you want to come in and talk? I have a pizza coming in a few minutes."

He chuckles "I thought you'd never ask."

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