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"I swear if he says "Chocolates for my chocolate" again this year, I'm leaving him."

I cross my arms over my chest as if to prove a point..

Mel sucked her teeth "No you're not."

I smile then laugh "I know right. It's so corny, but sooo cute."

"So what's the plan this year? A romantic walk on the beach followed by a spontaneous flight to Paris?"

I sighed "For the last time, he doesn't do stuff like that."

"I know, I know..but he could. You know, since he's a Back-"

"Don't say it, I already kno-"

While looking plainly in my face she says "Backstreet boy.. He's a Backstreet Boy member."

I laugh "Are you proud of yourself?"


I sigh "Anyway... So when are you going back to Leeds?"

She shrugged "Whenever I'm needed there. Until then I'm here to bother you."

I laugh "Oh, well lucky me."

Later that night, after Mel left I began to wondered what he might do to surprise me this time for Valentine's day. We've been dating for a year now. Before dating exclusively, we were on and off for about for a couple months, due to his scheduling and an immense lack of trust..

What if we flew to Paris? That'd be nice, but I'm honestly fine with going out to dinner, catching a movie and going back home to cuddle or whatever. It's up to him really and the anticipation is getting to me.

About a week after our conversation, Mel sends me a picture she took out Teen Scene featuring the Boy's photo shoot and accompanying article. The article covered their respective relationship statuses...

"Single?!?" I'm fuming and Melanie is trying her best to calm me down.

"It's okay, you know they have to keep up appearances.."

"Yeah, but everyone else said they were in a relationship.. Even AJ!"

"Ooo, that is suspect..."

"Exactly." I sigh


An hour of calming me down pass and I finally feel stable to call Kevin..

"Single!? Are you kidding me?"

Well, I was stable enough to make the call.. Probably not to have a conversation.

His groggy voice "What are you talking about Darlin?"

"The interview with Teen Scene. You said you were single."

I began pacing back and forth in my room waiting for him to respond.

"It's 4 am. Can we talk about this in the morning?"

4 am? I forgot about the time difference.

"Can we-.. Kevin, you better talk to me now before you end up single."

He sounded more alert "Okay, I didn't mean to say I was single, it just came out like that."

"Really? So have you been acting like you're single since you can't control your speech." I stop in my tracks and wait for his reply.

"It was a mistake! Okay, we all make them and I would never cheat on you."

I could hear water running in background.

"Well you did. Or you don't remember that anymore?"

A door slammed and I heard some zipping and unzipping.

"For the last time, Darlin I am truly sorry.. Just trust me. Please. I'd never hurt you like that again, I swear." Kevin pleaded over phone.

Another door slams and I hear rattling.. The hell is going on in there? Is he even listening to me?

"Fine, get some sleep Kevin. Love you."

I hang up feeling no better than how I felt than I did before. I decide to lay and try and get my mind off of him. Valentine's is literally tomorrow.. Well today, the clock struck 12 am. I'll end up spending it alone or with Mel if she doesn't have any plans. Which the latter is a guaranteed good time, but I wanted to spend it with Kevin.


Eventually I am able to go to sleep, but my dreams were flooded with thoughts of Kevin.

I get up, feeling like a zombie and force myself to get ready for the day. After having a somewhat balanced breakfast, I regrettably decide to check my phone.

Unsurprisingly I have some missed calls and repeated texts, but I'm too defeated to answer them. To avoid temptation I turn my phone off and decide to do that until I return from work.

Mel stood by my car when I came out the building.

"Why the hell haven't you answered any of mine or Kevin's texts??"

I turned my phone on and point to it "It was off."

"Get in the car and go straight home."

I get in "Okay Mom."


As soon as I pull up to my driveway, I see my kitchen light is on.

"This better not be what I think it is.."

I reluctantly go inside and see, instantly I'm hit with a familiar smell..

Burnt brownies.

"Lance, why are you baking again?" I call out from the living room.

I hear a pan clanking and the oven door close.

"Because I'm a distraction." Lance walked out of the kitchen.


"See, you didn't even notice your luggage! I already packed it for you."

I look around and sure enough they're there. "Wait, why do I have packed luggage?"

"It's a surprise." He smiled.

"Lance. Just tell me wh-" I stop in my tracks as someone taps my shoulder.

"Chocolates for my chocolate." Kevin hands me an assortment of fancy chocolate.

"Babe, when did you get here? How?" I'm borderline speechless.

"Don't worry about it, Darlin. We have a flight to catch."

"Bye! Have a good time you two! I'll try to not burn down the place." Lance waved us out.

Try not to???


"Already told you I'd break up with you if you said that again.. What did you do?"

"Said it again."

"Good thing I was lying.."

He smiled at me from across the sit..

"So where are we going?" I asked genuinely surprised.

"I'm not gonna tell ya til we get there."  He kissed my cheek.

Several hours pass with just a few left for Valentine's Day and we finally land.

Kevin motions for me to keep my headphones my until the pilot is finished telling us where we are.

We grab our Carry-On's and exit the plane.

"Oh my God! Kevin you didn't!!" I feel tears forming in my eyes.

He hugs me tight. "I know how much you always wanted to come here.. So I figured now was the best time to take you."

I can't believe I'm in Spain with the love of my life.

We decide to go to the airbnb to shower quickly and get dressed in hopes of spending the last hours of the day in the streets of Barcelona, Spain.

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