Welcome on The Saint Jones

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We invite you aboard the Saint Jones for a cruise filled with adventures and unforgettable moments, which will be well engraved in your heart for life

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We invite you aboard the Saint Jones for a cruise filled with adventures and unforgettable moments, which will be well engraved in your heart for life.

The Saint Jones was created in 2012, in Spain. The cruise ship is known for its ornamental activities. We can assure you that all along the journey to the paradisiacal islands of the Caribbean to the port of Brazil, you will not be jaded.

The Saint Jones is not just a cruise ship, it's more than that. Families, friends and couples choose this cruise exceptionally for very specific reasons that are remarkably close to their heart, which is why this cruise is one of the best in the world.

We confidently assert that this will be one of the most beautiful trips you will ever imagine living.

The Saint Jones is indeed a gathering cruise between family members and friendly relationship but, it is above all a perfect decor to fall in love. Dazzling sunsets, more and more romantic events, sumptuous dinners and equally romantic stopovers.

Are you already looking forward to this long and exciting adventure? So what are we waiting for? Let's dive in...

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Open your eyes. Climb the stairs to a dream cruise. Towards perfection.

 Towards perfection

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A love story, built by insecurities, get stronger and passionate in the midst of the ocean

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A love story, built by insecurities, get stronger and passionate in the midst of the ocean.

Eyes are not always a reflection of a person's beauty.

We are hiding behind something we are not, but we can not hide what we really are.

Fighting is essential, it makes you stronger.

Fighting is essential, it makes you stronger

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A U T H O R ' S  N O T E 

Hi guys! I'm back with something new, something fresh that I hope you'll like.

So, The Saint Jones is a romance novel, yes, you read it right, a pure drama-romance novel. It's something new for me because I usually don't write novels that have 'romance' as the main genre, but I pray that you'll enjoy it.

This novel is written around the human mind, about the insecurities we perceive in ourselves. 

Through this novel, I want to show people that admiration, attraction and love transcend our physiques. That to love someone must surpass outer beauty towards the inner beauty.

I want to persuade people that we can be beautiful even with our imperfections, but more importantly, I want people to realize that our insecurities are actually our perfections.

I hope with all my heart that you'll love this book and show love to it! ✴
So, if by any chance you want to dig yourself in, then, I wish you a nice trip towards the Caribbean and Brazil with my wonderful characters! But, I have to mention something important, bring your lifebuoy with you... just in case!

Don't forget to leave a little start behind you guys!! (If you love it, of course) and don't forget to comment and share the story !

T H A N K  Y O U!


No part of this book may be reproduced and copied by any means.

•All the characters are purely fictional.

•The book resides around human psychology's and insecurities.

•No part of this book must be taken without the permission of the author.

•The books will probably have lots of errors, this is a rough draft♥.

Okay, guys that's all! Enjoy the novel! I love you all so SooOOoo much! Chapter one is coming very soon. Thank you!

©2019 Emily.A

All right reserved.

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