chapter 71: The Truth

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"What are you doing here? Are you crazy, you could've fell or hit something!" He states as he becomes aware of my presence in front of him.

Goodness, it feels like ages since I have not seen him. I missed him and the traits of his perfect face. I missed his strong and imponent jaw, his impeccable cheekbones but above all, his beautiful and supernatural eyes.

"I needed to see you," I mumble.

He sighs and sits up, he grabs my hands, which I try to pull back from his, but his strength is enough to push me back into him. He moves a bit aside and gives me a place beside him, then he pushes the comforter on me as well. But instead of sitting the way he is, I turned my body to him, to have a better look at him.

"How can you? How can you leave me alone like this, without explanation. You said nothing, you never called, never bothered yourself to answer my calls. You were hiding from me and I cannot understand. Have I done something again? Am I no longer interesting?"

He breaths in and clenches his jaw but says nothing. It feels good to be next to him again, to be able to feel his body next to mine, but it is annoying when he reacts this way. Why cannot he speak like human beings do? Is it that hard to open his mouth and speak?

"Are you done with me?" It breaks my heart to utter such words, but I need to know.

He shakes his head and chuckles with anger. Then he looks at me and turns his whole body to me, the way I was already doing.

"How can you say such thing? How am I going to be done with you? I can't, it's a pity to say so but, I tried to forget about you but I can't. You're the only thing I see when I close my eyes and when I'm alone. Your scent is the only thing I smell when I'm in bed. Everything that has something to do with you is haunting me down. You have no idea."

"Then why are you doing this? Why are you here, alone in the dark, under a cloudy sky and in the cold, while you could be with me, sleeping in a bed, hugging me! I need answers, this is starting to become too much for me, you are becoming too much for me."

I try to be strong and hold in my tears, so I just bite my lip and sink the pain in the pit of my soul. A woman is strong and is a fighter. A woman is life and power. So I need to stand as the woman that I am, for today I will try to keep my head high. I will try.

"Sometimes some answers are better when they aren't revealed."

I chortle faintly and look away for a moment, then I look back at him, "do not start, just give me answers!"

"I can't," he mumbles quietly, his voice almost unheard under the noise of the crashing waves against the cruise.

"If you cannot give me answers, what are we even doing together?"

He looks at me in the eyes, emotions are taking full possession of his two coloured eyes, an incomprehensible mixture, too difficult for me to try to understand.

It is as if he has the ability to hide his feelings behind a veil of mixture. As if he knows if he blends it all together, it will be hard to detect what is the genuine one, and it is working perfectly.

"You and I have nothing to do with the answers you're seeking for."

"You and I have everything to do with them, open your eyes, what you are not telling me is exactly what is putting a ditch between us. So tell me, I beg you."

"I can't," he says and that is enough.

"If you cannot tell me, then it means that you and I have nothing, I mean nothing to do together. I cannot be in a relationship where I am suffering, this is not normal."

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