chapter 45: Blue & Brown

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There are so many beautiful things in this world and in the whole galaxy. Us, human, do not usually realize that we are surrounded by marvelous things, people, places, objects, features and so on.

I can say that today my eyes have been blessed, are blessed. The image of what my eyes are seeing is entirely fantastic, too beautiful to be true. My heart and my breath are working differently, I feel like suffocating, yet I feel alive completely, I feel happiness dancing in me, from my brain to my heart.

My hand is plastered on his cheek, my eyes are wet and so are my cheeks. I have no idea for how long tears have been sprawling down my face, but I can say that this has been going this way for quite a long time now, since I stepped into this bathroom.

"You are beautiful." My voice runs out again, I am aware of how many times I have been repeating the same thing.

My mind is stuck on these three words, I cannot think of something more relatable to say. But also, I want him to understand how much he really is a beauty. The feeling of regret is radiating out of him, I can feel it, I can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice when he told me to run away before it is too late, but one thing I am desperately trying to do, is to make him comprehend that he has nothing to regret. Nothing.

He is afraid, I conceive that. He is in denial, he does not know what to think and what to do which is comprehensive, he did something hard, he showed himself to me, to someone he barely know, yet ridiculously, he is officially dating me. The whole situation is hilarious, I, myself is going crazy but I know why I said yes, I like this man, with and definitely much more without his sunglasses.

"Stop saying that," he whispers, a tear sliding down to the crook of his pink nose; he cried too much.

"How can I? It is the truth, I have never seen someone as beautiful as you, you are an angel."

I study his face, everything above his nose and below his forehead. I cannot believe he was hiding this behind his sunglasses, I do not understand the motives behind it because what is the point of hiding such phenomenon? If he had at the very least only one eye, or three, I would have understand, but he has two eyes just like a normal human being, his face is normal, only his eyes are different, only what is inside.

"I am not an angel or anything close to that," he says, wiping his face quickly with the back of his hand.

"Oh yes, you are." I say, my fingers brushing the skin of his eyes.

I am completely in love with what I am seeing. He looks surreal, inhuman even, utterly an angel.

"Have you been like this since always, I mean, since birth?" I ask, wondering. I am studying him as if I am a scientist studying a new discovery.

"Y–yeah," he staggered, I nod.

He has no idea how happy I am to be able to look at him, eyes to eyes. It was true, someone's eyes can be the door to another place, to something powerful and perfect. Through his, I can see much more than perfection, I can see a fairy tale, a wonderful story, full of colour.

"So–..." He halts and clears his throat, "You're not going to leave?" Is he obsessed that much with the thought of me leaving him? He makes me want to laugh not with amusement though, but with comprehension because I do understand that he is scared, he is just trying to make sure I am understanding what is really happening. He has nothing to be scared of, I understand the whole situation, I am definitely staying.

"I am staying and if I have to repeat it again and again, then I will do it," I say and move closer until his uneasy breath is touching my skin.

My lips brushes his but I keep a small gap between us so that I can look into his eyes, into the open world. He has two different eye colours, I still cannot proceed it in my mind because I am shocked, shocked that he had decided to hide this beauty from the world.

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