Chapter 48: Sister Love

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"How is Jean?" I ask him as I rest my back against the rear of the bed.

Jean, a subject he always tries to dodge. I know he has this little part in him that is still attached to mom, which is completely normal, she was his wife for years and she was the mother of his children but I know that he has something for Jean, and he needs to go for it, I want to see him happy with someone by his side again.

"She's fine. We have a date next week," he says and before I can show him how happy I am, he onsets talking again.

"No, I mean, not a date, just... just a night out. Yeah, a night out," he says calmly.

"Dad, why do not you admit it?"

"Admit what?" He asks, inquisitive. 

"That you adore this woman. I am telling you this again, for the hundredth time; you have nothing to be fear or feel bad about, Chenle and I are okay with you having a relationship with Jean. Life is short dad, let your heart open again."

Persuading him to accept his feelings for Jean is the hardest thing I have ever done. He is afraid, afraid he is doing something that will break the line he has with mom but one thing I know from the bottom of my heart, is that mom would love to see him happy again.

It was for Chenle and I an astonishment when we first saw Jean, beautiful brunette with long curly hair which is always hanging lose behind her ample shoulders. Amazing and piercing green eyes that are magical. A way of thinking that is definitely on higher level, but she has a heart as big as her head. This woman thinks with her heart and nothing else.  It is Jean, the whole definition.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right," he says, muffled noises reach my ears.

"Oh, Cherry, I have to go, Arrow is about to start," he says hurriedly, excitement in his voice.

Arrow, the only television series my dad respect. I can picture him in front of the television, sprawled in the middle couch, a pack of cream crackers deliciously decorated with thick slices of cheese, in his pyjamas. Chenle will be alone in her room, she despites this television show.

"Of course but can you pass me Chenle, please?" I say, bitting my finger.

"Chenle...she's upstairs..." That is all he says, noises can be heard in the background, what is he doing?


"Yeah, yeah, I'm here Cherry. Give me a minute," he says and a loud muffle noise ring in my ear.

I wait, look down at my robe. Please take the phone.

I am literally praying that she takes the phone because I miss my little sister. Being in bad terms with her is like hollow in the heart. She is my sister after all and a little misunderstanding cannot mistreat this fact. I thought about it and realized how much she loves this boy, the subject was sensitive for her, now I understand.

"Hello?" Sweet, calm, welcoming voice, her voice. I take a deep breath as I comprehend how much I missed hearing her voice.

"Hey, Chenle, how are you?" I inquire, hiding the shaking in my voice. How original, I am scared to speak with my own sister.

"Good and you?" She asks frugally.

"I am good as well. Hum, where are you right now?"

"Upstairs, in my room," she replies.

It feels like I am talking to a friend or an early acquaintance. Her voice feels so void and plain, I can feel the hate in it. I feel bad and angry at myself for being how I was with her, we would not be in this situation if I did take in consideration what she really felt, but I did not meant to create this, it was a simple misunderstanding. I was just stupid.

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