chapter 76: Hard Decision

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"A little bit more!" He shouts from behind.

I sigh with annoyance and go a little further. At every second, my palm is running down the length of my face to repel the rain that is flowing over me like a waterfall. I cannot believe that I have to deal with the rain, the cold and I have to mention; the salty water that is practically splashing on me. Stupid weather!

My body is running out of blood, everything is slowly freezing, and so are my limbs. Shame on me. Five on ten, five on freaking ten! He got seven on ten, how ironic! The questions were harder than I thought, it was literally something high level. Not for me.

Now I am living the consequences of my failure. Just as he told me to, I am quietly standing on the deck, which is empty, everyone is inside, desperately trying to stay warm, and here we are, two insane people, on the deck! And I am also wearing a yellow two pieces bikini, I am barefoot of course, and in a few seconds I am going to scream like I never did before.

"You're good beauty, now you gonna do the second part!" He shouts from behind, I want to turn around and curse at him for being well hidden from the rain and the waves, but instead I keep looking forward, my eyes are closing at each seconds due to the rain that is almost blinding me.

For a moment my eyes land on the ocean, and holy cow, it is in fury. I have never seen waves that high and violent, it is savage right now, not the sweet and amusing sound we used to hear, it is scary now, darker, prominent.

"The quicker you say it, the sooner we're out of here!" Oh my, cannot he shut up.

I press my teeth together, my arms want to wrap around my almost naked body but I know that if I do this, I will end up running back inside. You lost girl, better do your punishment.

I close my eyes and open my mouth. Attempt number one is a flop, my voice is stuck in my throat. Attempt number two is another flop, it looks like I cannot speak anymore. I know if I turn around and tell him that I am not feeling well he will escort me back in the room, but a challenge is a challenge, if he lost he would have been the one here, he would have been in the pool.

I take a deep breath and open my mouth again, this time it needs to get out, "I am in love with Sether!" I shout at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking and vibrating.

"I am freaking in love with Sether!"

It feels good, holy cow it feels good to shout like that without no one caring. It feels like I am alone here, like I can do whatever I want. I am about to shout again when I feel hands on me, I turn around and find him here, holding a smile on his face.

Suddenly, he takes off his jacket, and throws it to his right. I look at him with wide eyes, tying to understand what he is doing. After his jacket, he takes off his shirt, his muscles flexing under the cold water that are splashing on him as well. Then his hands travel down his sweatpants and they disappear in the corner as well with his socks, because he was wearing socks only.

I laugh crazily because this man is insane and amazing. He is still smiling, he looks excited but above all, he looks like he is about to have a heart attack, but he does not care, we do not care.

"I'm fucking in love with Cher McBroom!" He shouts and puts his arms apart, head up, looking at the dark sky.

I look at him and start laughing madly. He looks happy and deeply sexy with his wet hair and droplets of water that are running down every corners of his skin, soaking his boxers. He comes in front of me, the tips of our feet are touching now, he rolls his cold arms around me, pushing me firmly against him.

"I love you, beauty," he whispers against my lips and catch them easily.

Through grinning, I kiss him back and deepen the kiss, feeling the sudden and supernatural heat rushing up my whole body.

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