chapter 8: Beautiful Night

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My feet slip effortlessly into my black ankle boots, which are my favourite ones, my favourite shoes. I do not like to wear a lot of uncovered heels, because when my feet are exposed, it feels so awkward, so I guess the boots are what I need.

With my left hand on the wall for support, I close the zipper and stand up straight, feeling suddenly as tall as I have ever been.

I walk towards the length mirror and slide my hands on my dress from my upper thigh to my lower thigh, feeling the silky sensation of the pale pink dress beneath my fingers.

My eyes are filled of satisfaction as I look at myself in the mirror, the knee-high dress is perfectly adjusted to my curves— although I do not really have curves, but you know, sometimes they appear, sometimes they disappear— the top is slightly losses, showing the channel between my breasts.

My hands leave my dress and automatically run through my short black and straight wig. My lips are coated with my usual red lipstick, not caring whether it matches the colour of my dress or not.

With what I can assume to be a 'good look', I walk towards my bed and grab my small shinny black bag that I hang on my shoulder with the strap thin enough not to overdo it.

Opening the door, closing it behind me, my feet move on a steady pace down the corridor towards the hall where I guess every huge parties will take place. From what I have heard this morning when I was walking back to the cabin, is that the party is organized to welcome all the passengers on the cruise.

Going down the stairs, a group of young men pass by to me. Whistles and comments reach my ears. I do not dare to look at them, instead, I keep my eyes on the wooden stairs as I set one foot in front of the other, and when my heels touch the wooden floor, I walk as quickly as I can to be as far away from them and their words.

Not that I do not like to be called beautiful or being desired by a man, it is just that sometimes, I feel it like it is mean when a guy stares at me for too long, but it depends on what guy, these kinds of guys are eventually those who want nothing else than do jump on the next level as soon as they can, which, unfortunately, is not the thing I favour the most.

I push the large wooden door open and I enter the room which is impressively immense! Now, I know why parties are held here. This place can fit a thousand and even more people and there will still be enough room.

Round tables are placed everywhere, they are decorated with silky white tablecloths, just like my dress, and on each table, vases of red flowers are resting snugly in the middle.

The place is already filled with people, mostly adults, maybe one or two children over the age of ten.

There is a podium in the front, pretty huge as well. I can see that instruments are already placed there; drums, guitars, pianos and different kind of instruments that are unfamiliar to me.

As people are walking in more and more, I discern that I have been standing here for too long. Looking around me, I try to find a good place where I will be able to sit comfortably without caring about others, but the room seems so full now that an empty table will be difficult to find.

Well, I guess today I will have to make an effort. I start walking towards different tables, my eyes wandering around me. The first table is occupied by a young couple, of course, I am not going to sit here, I do not want to see them kiss and do couple things all night. Table two is occupied by a whole family of at least six people, I turn to my right while my eyes are examining each table and their occupants.

Table number three, only an older couple is sitting there, they seem adequate enough and as there is literally no place to sit comfortably, I guess that is my chance. I walk around the table and I take a sit on the other side.

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