chapter 57: Meeting Célia

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My brush run once again in my hair, positioning the bangs where they should be. When I am ready, I give myself a demure smile and walk back in the other room, waiting.

It is dim outside, the night is cool and the wind blows against the closed window, making ghost sounds. But what is exceptional is that from the window of my cabin, I can see the sunset from afar, which creates a curtain of bewitching colours in the sky; orange blended with pink and yellow.

So because of the cold night, I decided with a lot of difficulty that I would wear a black dress that is gracefully covering my legs and is reaching my ankles. It has beautiful designs on it, little flowers coating the sleeves and the front, and it is accompanied by a pair of black ankle boots that is hiding under the long length of the dress. If Chenle was there, she would have snatched the fabric away from me and burned it.

Finally a single knock is heard on the door, I take a deep breath, reassuring myself that everything will be okay and head for the doorknob. Another deep breath fill me in and I turn the knob, opening the door for the guest.

"Hi, Cher?" She has a huge smile on her slim face, her teeth displaying under the lights of the corridor.

To be completely honest, she is better from a closer look, she looks like the queen of Egypt. Black curls are everywhere on her head, some falling on her forehead, reaching her shoulders. Alike as me, she is wearing a long dress, the colour intriguing as it is mustard but holy cow, it fits her skin tone so well. But unlike mine, her arms are free, naked, she is fighting the cold.

"Hello, yes. Célia, right?" I ask as I am trying to not blend into her beauty.

She nods and gives me a hearty smile. She moves forward and kisses me on the cheeks, which I do as well. And in the process, I even caught the smell of her perfume; something that has to do with apple. When we pull back, I move aside and let her in, then I let the door close behind me.

"So, Zeke wanted us to create something, like a string before we all met?" She asks, still smiling while she is standing in the middle of the room.

"Maybe," I laugh shyly at her.

Why Célia is here? It is simple; Zeke wanted us to met and to learn about each other before we all head for the dinner, at Zeke's place. Now let me tell, I am not really good at opening myself with people that I do not know, so when he told me that, I was one hundred percent septic about this silly plan.

"He's crazy," she says as she laughs, her eyes getting smaller as her cheeks grow bigger.

"Oh yes he is," I try to laugh as hard as she is but it is unfortunately not coming, while stress is filling my inside.

"Come," I gesture her to come and sit at the table with me.

She walks with grace, shoulders back and head hold high, which literally makes her looks taller. Actually, she is taller than me, but only inches. We take seats at the table where two glasses of water was nearly waiting. I already prepared myself for everything.

"You're beautiful, much more beautiful than how Zeke described you as," she says happily, her hands surrounding the glass, portraying my action.

Zeke told her that I was beautiful? Well, this man is sweet and his compliment really touch me deep in my heart but, how can you tell the person you like that you find another woman beautiful? I mean, if Julian told me he find another woman beautiful I would have taken it pretty wrong, but she is not me, so maybe that did not affect her.

"Thank you, you too. And I like your hair," I say, taking a sip of my water, trying to wet my dry throat.

She nods, lifts her glass in the air, "Yours is better," she smiles widely.

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