chapter 82: A Mess

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Oh my damn shit life!

I take off my shirt and place it on the counter, droplets of water of falling on my back which makes me shiver.

Hot water. I need hot water!

I get rid of my clothes and step in the shower, turning it on. The water falls on me, like river down the lake and I feel my thoughts drowning in a pond of indecisive reactions and thoughts.

Around fifteen minutes ago, I took a bath and washed my hair, I'm deeply sorry for Sether who's probably the one who pays the bills, but I need this, I need to be under the noise when the water hits the tiles beneath my feet. I need this moment of calmness, to be alone and think.

I heard noises and thought it was Sether, but damn it, why wasn't it Sether? Why does this stuff land on me and only me?

What I saw was practically impossible to the eyes, I deeply thought it was an hallucination, I deeply thought it was an intruder who was trying to steal something, but when she opened her mouth, when she said the first word, it felt like my heart was on the edge of a huge ass cliff, awaiting a deadly fall.

I turn off the water and rub my fingers against my hair, trying my best to get rid of the image, of the voice and the moment itself. But it's still here, imprinted, glued.

With a head as heavy as ever, I grab the same towel I've used earlier and wrap it around my body. I get out of the shower and out of the bathroom, not daring to look at myself in the humid mirror.

At times like this, I'd love to have Morgan here with me,at least she would've been a great stand-in, she would've easily erase everything from my mind.

My phone on the bed is calling out for my attention, asking me to phone her, a simple call and she'll be here, in this room with me, her challenging eyes on me. She would drive me crazy, she always does.

"Stop!" I hiss to myself and scratch my head vigorously, this is so annoying!

"Come on, Justin, be a good friend," I whisper to myself as I put on my clothes.

There's no other solution, there is? Good friends can't lie, I never lied to Sether and it won't start today, not because a woman. It would've been better if he found out by himself instead of me seeing things I wasn't supposed to see.

I dont understand and probably never won't unless someone explain it to me from the beginning. As long as I know Sether has been dating a woman with short, black hair, and when I saw her earlier there was not fucking black hair!

I'm still believing it wasn't her, but damn it, we're not in the visit, no one came to kill the real Cher and replaced her. No, no and heck no.

Damn, I can't stop seeing the same thing over and over again; the marks and burns on the skin, it was halfway white and the other part was plastered with brown and red with a mixture of green as the skin was looking so weird, so... alien-like. Green and red veins were forming everywhere, it was horrible to look at.

I seriously don't know how to feel, there's a part of me that is completely shocked from the bones and the other part is feeling bad for the way I reacted. Maybe I was too excessive, maybe not, but what I'm sure of is that I'm understanding shit.

Finally I decide to grab my phone and unlock it, the background picture catches my attention, it does since I decided to put it here. It's a picture of Morgan that I took while she was in a white robe that was dwindling down her shoulder. She was looking at the camera with so much of emotions in her eyes. Sweet Jesus, I remember what happened after that.

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