chapter 26: Goldies Night

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"Do you want to have this dance with me, Cher McBroom?"

Her eyes widen as soon as the words leaves my mouth and penetrate her hidden ears. My arm is outstretched, waiting for her to take it already.

Her eyes wander around her for a few moment, then back at my face and lastly at my hand. Why am I nervous? It is ridiculous. She has the total right to decline my offer, after all, we are mere strangers who slept in the same room, crazy, I know.

"Really?" She asks, her eyes still wide open, her long eyelashes extending perfectly, which makes her face looks more beautiful.

"Really," I answer and extend my arm further forwards, I can't wait for her to take it so that I can bring her in the middle and have this dance with her.

"O–okay," she says and mentally, I'm smiling like an idiot, but it's only mentally, because now I'm pinching my inside cheek to prevent myself from smiling at her cuteness.

She stands up and if my eyes could be set on fire, it would be as soon as they fell on her body. Jesus Christ, this woman is unbelievable, stunning. The gold dress she is wearing adapts perfectly to her body, embracing her curves from her chest to her hips.

When she steps away from the table, I realize that she is wearing a mini dress and it's as if I had just been hit by a bowl of ice, right in the middle of my head. I swear on everything I have that she is definitely the most beautiful woman my eyes have ever seen.

With my hand guiding her, she goes around the table and comes next to me. God, I can feel my neck getting hot as I look down at her while she is avoiding to look at my face.

Suddenly, when my eyes catch a mere glimpse of what's around me, I realize that most women are wearing long dress, no, all of them, there's not one who is wearing what this woman by my side is wearing. No one.

I look down at her again, I can't find a way to stop my eyes from falling on her because damn my life, she is gorgeous! She is wearing boots, nothing extravagant, only black boots, something I've already seen her wear.

She is literally something else, she has something so different, she doesn't follow everyone and I like that.

"Come on," I say when I realize that we're standing here like two idiots. She mumbles a simple 'yeah' and we head for the dance floor where everyone is already moving at the slow rhythm​ of the music.

We reach the ring of love as Martin said earlier and I look down at her. She looks around her and then at me and as soon as her delicate eyes fall on me I feel paralyzed under her gaze. She looks at me, I look at her, wondering what will happen next because supposedly we're here to dance, not to look at each other.

"May I?" I ask by gesturing at her waist. I feel so embarrassed but in a good way. Never in my life have I asked a woman to dance with me, never in my life have I dance a waltz with a woman.

"Y–yeah," she says and slowly but surely, I put my left hand on her right waist, feeling the curve under my skin. She gulps and I see her throat moving.

It's okay, Sether. Come on.

My eyes close and reopen then my right hand find place on her left waist, feeling slightly proud of my action. In my mind, I wonder if I should bring her a little closer to me or should we keep our distance?

Her arms are by her sides, probably not knowing what to do with them.
My eyes roam around me again and everyone is dancing. Some are very close, the heads of women on the shoulders of men. Some are looking in each other, showing something more than friendship.

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