chapter 38: The Sea

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Cher giggles crazily next me as she catches in the view and realizes where I'm bringing her. She had been asking me questions for the past fifteen minutes and like the good silencer that I am, I kept my mouth closed, playing with her fingers, with the tips of her long nails— which, I didn't know, could be so satisfying.

"Fort James!" Derrick, the driver says as he stops the car. We've been driving for 20 minutes and he talked a lot, he talked a lot about himself, I'm sure if we could have driven 20 more minutes, he could have been able to elaborate his whole life to us. But nevertheless, he is a nice man, funny I can say and Cher seems to like him as well.

"How much will it cost?" She asks me quietly in the ear, probably hoping that Derrick will not hear, but he does, because before I even have the time to say that I'll be the one paying, Derrick starts talking.

"No money!" He says or shouts? I can't say anymore, he has a particular way of rising his voice when he speaks, maybe it's his usual or he has a problem with his ears. Shock is an understatement of how I'm feeling now, he said no money, which means he is not asking us to pay him which he was suppose to.

"No money?" Cher repeats, shocked as well. She shifts into her seat and sits on the edge, closer to the driver.

"No money. Beautiful people drive freely with me," he says and Cher looks at me and I gulp. What was written on her face when her eyes met mine is completely unknown to me, she had that look on her face, the one saying 'look, he finds me beautiful' or maybe it was another look?

I grab my bag and throw the straps on my shoulders, then I touch Derrick's shoulder, a friendly way to show him that I'm grateful for his kind gesture.

"Thank you so much," I say and he smiles, wishing us a good time together. Cher grabs her bag and I get out of the car, waiting for her. She takes something from the front pocket of her shorts and places it in Derrick's palm, closing it. She says a few words to him and gets out of the car. I close the door and wave at him, then we start walking.

"What did you give him?" I ask her.

"I had six pounds with me, he was so kind, I could not resist," she says and we walk until we reach the soft, hot and thin texture of the sand under our shoes.

She hurries and takes her shoes off, taking her socks off as well. Her feet are tiny, nails painted red, same as her fingernails, this girl favourites colour has to be red, I swear if it's not, then there'll be a problem.

I follow her actions and remove mine as well, my bare feet make contact with the sand, hot and thin, as I described it.

"Oh my! It smells so good," she says and smells profusely the air, "The ocean is calling me," she says and grabs my wrist, leading the way. Damn it, she is so cute, so sexy.


We decided that the sea was too good to waste a minute, so we both parted ways and enter the cabins where we can change our clothes and put on our swimsuits. Cher is in the next building, where women are and I'm here, in this cabin, behind closed door, changing into dark blue swim shorts.

At the other side of the door, I can hear the sound of people talking, in Portuguese and Spanish. Their voices and languages are mixed together, the worst sound ever, like a herd of bees, flying over my head. I fold my black short and my shirt then I put them in my back, where they join my tennis and the other things I brought with me.

After everything is set where it should and after I checked if everything is with me, I open the door, the first thing I see, a man standing there, waiting. I nod faintly and move aside to give him room so he can get in. Then I walk to the sink and rinse my hands, multiple time, rubbing and rubbing.

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