chapter 33: His Jealousy

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"So what happened to the woman with curly hair?" I ask as I put my spoon back on my clean plate, a plate that looks unused as I ate everything in it, I was hungry besides the dish was perfect which made me think of Julian and his magic fingers.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you and of course, I also wanted to share dinner with you," he says and take the last sip of his red wine. Dinner was perfect, I am utterly full and now it is time to get in the real subject, the reason of why he asked me to come and I am all willing to listen.

"I am listening," I wait for him so say whatever he has to say about the woman he had a crush on at the party. For the first time in my life, I am going to be a counselor- I mean, besides counselling Chenle of course. Never before have I counselor a friend, they never asked, in fact, we never spoke about love, that was weird.

"So... tomorrow we're docking in the Caribbean and well, earlier today, when I fled with your bag, I spotted her near the stairs so I talked to her and out of nowhere I asked her if she would like to come with me tomorrow and she said yes but..."

He stops and grimaces. My eyes narrow as I look at him trying to understand why he is grimacing, he should be glad she said yes, she could have rejected him but she wanted to as well.

"You are not happy?" I ask, something is missing.

He sighs and rub his beard. "I am but she didn't seem happy. How to explain, she was distant, at the dance too she was distant... shit... not distant like-..." He sighs again and this time his fingers find his hair. "Let's just drop it," he says quickly which get me confused.

"No! Tell me what is happening, you need help, I am here to do what I can," I say.

He suddenly looks sad, what was a happy face moments ago is now all closed and tense. Men are so vulnerable when it comes to women, I have learned this in different kind of situation. I mean, a woman knows when a man loves her or likes, it is simple, he gets mad or sad or depressed whenever something goes wrong, that is life, that is the charm of being in a relationship or a pre-relationship.

"I'll sound stupid," he says and my head move on its own, mentally telling him he is talking nonsense.

He is a friend now and I admire him a lot, if he has something that is boring him, then he has  to get it out. After all he mainly called me out for dinner because he wanted to talk to me and a huge part of me was telling me that it had a lot to do with no one else but the curly haired woman.

Moreover he should be happy to have someone like me in front of him, I am all here for him, ready to help and for this reason, because of my determination, I will sit here even if it will take forever, neither him, nor I are going to leave this place before he empties his bag.

"I am waiting," I say and take a comfortable position on the chair.

He shakes his head with disbelief and orders one more full glass of wine, white this time. When the waiter arrives with his drink, he thanks him and pours it all down his throat as if it were just water. Then after he taps his lips together, relishing the taste of it, he places his empty glass on the table and looks up at me.

"I'm interested in this woman, I think if it goes like this I'll certainly fall headlong for her. But there is one thing, she seems to be so distant towards me, I don't know if it's because she doesn't want me or if she's too shy to be comfortable yet... I really don't know." He sighs again and moans his pain out.

Men are the most compatible creatures for  women, they are strong, intelligent sometimes, responsible sometimes, handsome sometimes, ideal sperm for the women fetus but above all this good they are unfortunately dumb when it comes to love or relationship.

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