chapter 20: The Attraction

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Damn Antonio and his gang of gigolos, I can't do anything here, honestly, their eyes are planted on my back, always watching every move I make.

Antonio, is the closest staff to the boss, he was hired seven years ago to work as a manager, then he graduated on the job and became a trusted staff and works most closely with the boss. He was interested in me and since I started working here, he has only had eyes on me. Stupid man.

"Is that enough for you or should I bring another one?" I turn away from the length mirror and look at the woman who is standing in front of me, a huge red comforter in her hands.

"It'll be fine, thank you," I reply. She nods and places the comforter on the piles of sheets she has placed down to make a 'decent' bed for me. Just by looking at this handmade bed, I can feel the pain already rising in my back again.

I have suffered from back pain since I was sixteen and I have been diagnosed with a small deformity in my spine, but luckily it's not so bad apart from bringing pain sometimes.

I take a seat on the pile of sheets and take off my tennis. I can feel her eyes on me, eyes I would love to know the exact colour, because as I said, through my tinted sunglasses I can't see anything the same colour it is. My hands itch to take them off for a few seconds and to look at her, but if I look at her eyes, she will do the same and I don't want that.

Earlier she told me if I couldn't sneak out of her cabin later in the middle of the night and get into mine, I thought about it for a moment and said no, it was impossible. We, workers, work day and night, if one group sleeps, the other group is for the late night shift, so of course, there will be someone walking around, I'm sure of it.

By the way she is acting, I can tell that she isn't really pleased that I'm staying here for the night, but it's wholly understandable, who would want a stranger in their cabin? But honestly, I'm not disappointed to spend the night here with her, and as I told her earlier, talking is just one of the millions of ways of communication, I don't care if we don't talk, actually, I like it when people don't talk too much.

"Hum... I am going to take a bath and-..." She clears her throat, averting her eyes from me. "And, you can take one too... if you want, of course," she finishes her sentence.

Honestly, she is cute, really cute. It's rare that I meet a woman as shy as she is and as friendly as she is, the others were very self-confident and they always do more than what they should... Boring.

"Thank you," I reply and she nods then walks towards the bathroom, her short hair dancing as she walks briskly, that hair that is still so curious to me, Goodness, I have never seen hair as bright and smooth as hers. I guess she's Asian, that's why, but she has something more than just this Asian vibe, something I can't seem to put my finger on.

I look away from the closing door when I realize that she has already disappeared and a grin form on my lips, a stupid grin.



Oh my God, how stupid I am, I am the most stupidest and craziest woman, really! How could I have made the decision to let him stay in the same room as me? I want to bang my head against the wall so badly.

Wrapping the white towel around my body, I look at myself in the mirror, looking at each stain on my face, and my fingers are itching me, I want to remove my makeup! Moreover, if he sees that I am going to sleep with my makeup on, he will think I am crazy, but I have no choice, right? After all, it was my stupid decision to accept such a thing.

I turn toward the small counter and flex my fingers ready to grab my pajamas but my fingers don't touch anything smooth, my eyes widen when I realize that there are no clothes here. I look around me, on the floor, on the shelf, in the shower, in the bathtub but unfortunately for me, the clothes are not there. Either it disappeared in the air or I forgot to bring it with me, I guess the second option is actually a lot more realistic.

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