chapter 41: You're Toxic

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This place is just... wonderful. I cannot believe my eyes, I cannot believe he brought me here with him. I have never been in a chalet but this one is so cosy and comfortable, the temperature inside is perfect, I have the impression of dreaming in the most realistic dream ever.

"So, you own this place?" I ask him as I walk towards a lamp, my fingers brushing the body, it is white and have the shape of a heart split in two, even the lamp is impressive.

"Yeah, I bought it a couple years ago, I knew I'd come back here, I wanted a place to be quiet and where I could relax."

"It is beautiful," I say, looking around me, from the floor to the ceiling. I am a huge fan of small houses like that, no, I mean chalet. It is so cute from the outside and it is equally the same from the inside. The walls are made of wood, light brown woods, which illuminates the room, matching with the lights fixed on the walls.

The curtains are huge and wondrous, all white, perfect. And then there is this bed in front of me, a huge bed, covered with a sky blue duvet, five pillows, on which he is now sitting, zipping up his bag.

"You want to eat in or out?" He asks as he finishes to do what he was doing with his bag.

Oh yes, I even forgot that we have not had dinner yet and that during the whole ride I was starving, my belly was crying for food but I guess that the sight of this place had pushed my hunger away. He is controlling everything in me, every single thing.

"Wherever you want," I say, walking towards him.

I should have stayed where I was standing by the lamp, I should have walked towards the small kitchen and visit the surrounding to see what is there, what kind of ustensiles are to be used, but instead, I am walking up to where he is sitting on the edge of the bed, I cannot stop my feet from going there, my heart wants to.

I stand in front of him, between his parted legs. The light of the lamp and the lights above our heads are reflecting in his sunglasses, I want to see his eyes so bad, this is driving me demented. His dark sunglasses are completely dark, I cannot see a glimpse of what is behind it, nothing, nada.

What if I take it off quickly and hide it behind my back? What if I grabbed it quickly and jumped on it so it breaks and he will be free of it? Goodness, I want to see him, to see everything of him. I know he is handsome, this is a fact but the urge to see what is hidden behind this shield is stronger than anything else.

"Don't come closer to me." His voice escape around me, like a satin sheet. A threat, a tempting threat.

"Why?" I ask, curiously. My hands are behind my back, touching my soaked shorts that have not yet dried because my bikinis is still underneath it.

"You're toxic, that's all," he says and I teeter right away. No one ever told me that I was toxic. Never. I was called sweet or ugly or crazy and sham but none of the names that were tagged on my back are close to what he called me. Toxic. Why am I loving it?

"I am Sagittarius," I say and laugh like an idiot as I take another step forward, my knees are practically touching the mattress now and a part of his skin.

I have no idea why I said that, but it sounded hilarious in my mind, I just want to shatter the small amount of ice that is still residing between him and I. We are kissing all the times, hugging and touching each other as if we are a couple completely in love and yet, I cannot hide that I am probably having feelings for him, feelings that appeared like a pimple, so fast and brusque.

"What?" He asks and laughs a bit, I want to kiss him or make a party just to celebrate his laughter. I cannot believe he is finally laughing in front of me. He did it earlier and now he is doing it again in front of me, as if a weight has been raised off him, as if he is much more comfortable now, with me.

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