chapter 31: No Tears

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"Zeke, come here please. I am tired!" I shout at him and stop right there. I know I do physical exercises and all, but it is been a while since I work out, so at the moment, running around is a bit hard for me.

I place a hand on the flange and take deep breaths, in and out. It is really hot today and running is not helping, I can feel the sweat gliding down my back to my bottom bikini. My hair feels suddenly too heavy, perhaps because it has accumulated too much water in the pool but also my perspiration now.

Two men pass by me, one eyeing me from the neckline to the thighs while the other one just nod at me with a sly little smile. I stand straight and when they walk completely pass me, I turn around and press my back against the flange, there is no way I am giving them the privilege of looking at my body.

I am fully aware that a bikini is made for that, for people to look but sometimes it gets too much, some people look you as if you were a piece of cake, they eye you even if you are already looking at them. They tell you that they do not care if you feel uncomfortable all they want is to watch, if they want to watch they watch...

When these fiery creatures disappear from my sight, I look to where Zeke was running and to my surprise the hall is empty, no Zeke. I sigh from exhaustion and gulp down my irritation, no! My anger at him right now.

I said I appreciate him, yes but not when he acts the way he did earlier. It happened that he took my bag where all my stuff are in, my pills, my phone, my makeup, my pocket book, everything. He asked me a question, a question that I did not want to answer but I did anyways but apparently for him, I was lying. He insisted that I can tell him but I did not want to tell him the truth so, he thought at that moment that he needed to play a bit with me, he got up and grabbed my bag and ran like an idiot. I tried to follow him but it was useless, the guy is almost a mini Usain Bold.

I trust him though, I know he will bring me my bag, it was only a childish game coming from him, a new facet that I learned from him today. So, for reasons that I should worry me, I feel nothing but annoyance. I just got to know him, but I strangely trust him.

"Hey... Cher!" I hear a sharp whisper coming from somewhere near me. I look in front of me and I realize that I am standing in front of the restaurant where I usually eat and in front of the main door stands a tall handsome man, wearing his black uniform and his black sunglasses.

"Hey!" I whisper back with a joyful smile. The sight of him is enough to make forget about my bag and Zeke. He is so handsome, he makes me want to kiss him every second.

He looks behind him and back at me and one last look behind him before he does something that shocks me, he just step out of the restaurant like an outsider, he did it so fast that he looks like someone trying to flee.

"Come." He grabs my wrist gently and effortlessly, he guides me towards a corner between the brown wall of the restaurant and the white wall of another section. We stand in the corner, away from the end of the wall, where no one will see us.

My eyes the whole time was glued and is still glued on his face. He looks towards the hall, probably fearing that someone will pass by and see him, us.

He smells like fresh fish that just come out of the fridge but there is also a scent of shaving product for men, after all, he is completely clean, he seems to shave a lot.

"How is your day going?" He asks, deep voice entering my ears. How sexy his voice is, deep but mellow, rough but gentle, he has both, the perfect mixture.

I breath loudly like an idiot and open my mouth, "Great, I was at the pool... I was sunbathing."

"I can see that," he says and after that I feel my body tremble in front of him. I feel exposed right now. I am sure he is looking at my body and that thought is enough to drive crazy and uncomfortable. I wrap my arms around my chest, desperately trying to hide whatever I can but at the same time I want him to see, weird I know.

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