chapter 16: The Embarrassment

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Twenty minutes, I have been waiting for my breakfast for twenty minutes and it is very annoying. Usually I get the breakfast ten minutes after ordering, which is weird now. Do workers work today? What a witless question, of course, they are working, the restaurant is practically full.

I have asked a waitress if the food was ready or not and she told me she would check out, and guess what, she never reappeared and I do not think it is fair to do something like this, it is her job after all, is not it?

Suddenly I feel something rising in my stomach, something terribly unpleasant. My head start spinning and physically I do not feel well, I feel like I am going to fall unconscious on the ground.

I take deep breaths and drink the water that was on the table, but unfortunately there is no change, I still feel the dizziness and it is increasing. With difficulty, I grab my bag and stand up, but before I can get my feet out from under the table, I feel the room spin, I take a seat again and wait, I wait until the world stops moving.

Oh my God, I did not take my vitamins. Supposedly, each morning and each night before going to bed, I drink them to strengthen myself. Since I got burned, I am more weaker, every little thing is a bad thing, for example; I have to eat every morning, I can not miss a meal and if I do, well, what is happening right now is exactly what happens.

With courage, I stand up again and make my way towards the open door, stumbling in my steps. I need my vitamins, without them I will be as bad as now and the meal will have no effect.

I keep walking and walking, hand on the wall for support. I do not care about what is around me, my eyes are almost closed, I am seeing all bright, even too bright. My legs are shuddering and my breath is increasing. My head is spinning, it is the worse sensation ever.

Finally, I reach the door of my cabin, I rummage in my bag to grab my card, but for unknown reasons I am not finding it. Why now! I need to lie down and close my eyes! All of a sudden, the same sensation of something rising in me appears again, I feel a liquid escalating up my throat ready to come out, I prop my right hand on my mouth and push what is trying to come out back inside.

The texture of the card touches the skin of my finger and I seize it by the tip of two fingers, but before I can grab it properly and slide it on the door lock, it slides out of my fingers and falls on the red carpet.

I want to yell at myself for being so stupid but I can not. I try to ingest the liquid that is still trying to get out of my mouth, and how bad it feels when it goes down my throat, as if my throat is burning on fire.

Bending a bit, I grab the card and slide it down the locker and the door open. I get inside quickly and let my bag fall on the floor. I close the door behind me and dart into the bathroom to let out what was trying to get out a few seconds ago.


"How are you feeling?" My dad's concerning voice reaches my ears as I put the phone on the speaker and place it next to my pillow.

"Bad... really bad," I reply, more like a whisper. My eyes are closed, I was supposed to be sleeping but then I thought of my dad and wanted to talk to him. I do not want him to panic, but there is no one else I can talk to, and when I am sick, I love to have my dad with me, but unfortunately he is far away from me.

"What happened, Cherry?" He asks.

"I-I forgot to take my vitamins," I reply and a groan leaves my mouth when my stomach starts to hurt.

I still have not eaten yet. I thought I was going to call someone when I finished throwing up and taking a bath, but my body could not make it, so I fell on the bed. I am under my covers, I am shaking with cold even though it is not cold at all. I drank something that can make my fever go away but I do not see any difference.

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