chapter 3: Something New

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My almost dead body penetrates my room and I close the door with a slight heel strike. With a covertly weary sigh, my purse lands on the bed with a bounce and my fingers hasten to remove my heels.

My body as heavy as a bull, drops on the bed and my subconscious makes me understand that I am really on a cruise ship, that I am travelling on the radiant sea, that I am no longer on earth. It is another experience, another part of life itself. An adventure.

My body is consumed by some kind of pleasant excitement but also by a rare and sudden exhaustion. I feel that I will soon fall unconscious. I guess the sea has side effects on my mind because right now, I am feeling as light as a feather, as if I had been drugged.

Being so close to the saltwater of the sea can have side effects on a person's mind, we can have seasickness but also obnoxious headache, vomiting and vertigo, I read this somewhere.

All of a sudden, coming out of nowhere, the voice of this mysterious man who was wearing sunglasses earlier comes back in my mind. A small sunny, childish smile form on my lips when I rethink of how sexy he was, the kind of sexiness that is enough to drive someone demented, even if it's a woman or a man.

Is he super handsome? Does he look like a god? These are the questions that ramble in my mind. His face is completely unknown to me, I saw his lips, I saw his nose, his perfect jaw and his hair, but his image is almost vague. The way he acted and talked is what I retained, and it is stuck in a corner of my brain, devouring my thoughts.

Deep down, I know that I should not drive in this way because I promised myself that I'm here for strict mental refreshments, and for my own amusement and deliverance. I promised myself that nobody will come in my way, that the world and its inhabitants will no longer be an obstacle for me, but I do not seem to have the strength to stop thinking about this man, it is so surreal, ridiculous.

He and I are complete strangers— well, we know each other's names— we do not know each other deeply, we met twice on the same day and he surprisingly caught my attention, which I am sure he does with all the other women... and men.

It hardly happens that a man attracts my curiosity. Before my first relationship, I was not the kind of person to befriend men, but how can anyone feel transparent in front of this guy and his sunglasses, I mean, he makes me want to learn every little pieces of him. Like why does he wear sunglasses indoors? Because something is telling me that it is more than a new fashion. Oh, and why is he a Chef but also a waiter? Incompatible, right? 

With another sigh, my fingers surround my phone and active the WIFI. By browsing the applications, I click on WhatsApp and press on the green button of Chenle's name in my contacts. After five beeps, she picks up the phone. Weird. Was she waiting for my call? Because Chenle barely takes her phone when I call her.

"Hey miss, perfection," she says with a broad smile. She is in her room, I can clearly see Ryan Gosling's poster behind her on her blue wall. She is not wearing her glasses and she looks pretty happy, I guess she cried earlier because she knew I was going to call her. Smart she is, my sister.

"Hi big jaw," I answer with a smile back.

"So, how are the first hours?" She asks, letting herself fall on her famous unmade bed.

"Ah, you know, nothing much, but I will not lie that it is a paradise, I really love it here. Stunning views on the ocean, I eat when I want, I sleep when I want, I have my own bathroom and I am not sharing with anybody! I feel like a fish in the ocean," I tell her.

"Ugh, I wanted to be with you! You're so selfish Cher, you could have taken me with you, it wouldn't have cost you much." She starts complaining again, she is so unreasonable and annoying sometimes.

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