chapter 25: She Happens

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I storm into the kitchen and throw the empty tray that was in my hand on the counter full of empty trays and spoons and used utensils.

A deep sigh skips out of my mouth followed by a small groan. My head feels slightly heavy as a bunch of crazy thoughts are leading me towards the edge.

"What's going on?" Justin throws his empty tray onto the counter, making such a loud noise, enough to make my head heavier. He stands close to me, hands on his hips.

"Nothing," I reply and walk away. A quiet place is what I need. Freedom and tranquillity are what my mind needs right now. I walk into the back of the room where all the foods are stored in and close the door, well, I thought I was closing the door until a classic black shoe prevent me from doing so.

"Let me in." Justin sighs and pushes the door wide so his annoying presence can fulfil my life, taking my peace away. I'll never get peace here. They don't understand what the word 'peace' means.

He closes the door behind him and stays quiet. The sound of the refrigerator behind me is the only thing that we can hear. His deep brown eyes are on me, hands on his hips, posing like a model in his classic clothes.

"What's the matter? I'm tired of seeing you like that, it's annoying," he says and I scoff, annoying? I'm annoying? I think he is getting lost in his meaning.

"Nothing is happening," I say with irritation and run my fingers through my short hair.

He doesn't understand that sometimes I have to be alone. He knows it, he knows that being alone is a good thing for me, for my head but he just annoys me more, he can't leave me alone. There's always a Justin on my back, which is extremely stuffy.

He sighs and takes a step forward and I take a step back. "I thought you would be happy to see Cher tonight. I saw her earlier, she was sitting alone, bored to death. But she was beautiful, absolutely beautiful."

My teeth munch a part of my inner lips, preventing me from doing a remark. 'Sitting alone', my ass she was sitting alone. When I saw her the first time tonight, sitting next to this man, they were so close, their shoulders touching. She was happy and I'm happy that she is happy and that she now has someone who can help her when she'll be sick because God knows how much this whole situation is driving me insane.

How bad I wanted to talk to her, to look at her when I was standing near her. Her perfume radiated towards me as if it were attracted to me. I didn't have to look at her completely to know that she is stunning tonight. She always is, even in her sleeping wear.

The sight of this man next to her did something to me, it made me feel low and angry at a certain point, but I can't blame anyone but myself for feeling that way. After all, I have told myself that I wouldn't look at her anymore, I wouldn't speak to her because she and I is forbidden. If I go like this, with her, I'll be in trouble.

"Hey, what is your problem, talk to me. Stop fighting your emotions and stop keeping everything to yourself, it's not good, you'll feel sicker. You should be happy to have me, someone, who is willing to listen. Come on, talk to your big brother," he says and stares at me, waiting to hear how I'm feelings and crazily, I feel the sudden boost to talk.

"I'm going crazy. All this time, I was fine, doing my business in my corner. It was the same routine each day, waking up, taking a bath, getting dress and going to work until night appeared and back to sleep. But now, I feel a feeling that is too much for me to take, it's driving me crazy and making me feel sick. It's pressing what's inside my chest and to be honest, I'm getting tired of all of this bullshit. One day I wake up and it happens. She happens."

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